1)Have you ever gone souvenir shopping?
Yes, I have.
Вы когда-нибудь ходили за покупками в сувенирный магазин(это приблизительно, точный перевод практически невозможным,... это всевозможные слова "шопиться", "закупаться" и т.д.)
2) Have you ever shaken hands with cartoon characters?
No, I haven't.
Вы когда-нибудь пожимали руки персонажу мультфильма?
3)Have you ever eaten candy floss?
Yes, I have.
Вы когда-нибудь ели сахарную вату?
4)Have you ever seen clowns performing tricks?
Yes, I have.
Вы когда-нибудь видели клоунов, показывающих трюки?
5)Have you ever explored a haunted mansion?
No, I haven't.
Вы когда-нибудь исследовали особняк с привидениями?
Hey everyone! I'm on a beach holiday with my family.
We're in the Seattle. The weather is nice, it's so sunny but it may rain in the evening.
We're swimming in the sea, water is so warm and calm.
Me and my family went surfing yesterday. We enjoyed it so much, but we couldn't continue because of the rain. It started raining right when it was my turn to try! I'm upset, but mom says that we have enough time to me to try again! My brother is so good in it, he can do a lot of mesmerizing stunts. Isn't that cool? I'll attach some photos later!
We're going to come home this day next week. I'm sure that I'll enjoy this holiday a lot!
See you, have a great day!
1. т
2. F