Тут почти везде будет глагол в Present Simple:
1. Heat the oil till it begins to smoke.
2. I'll stay here till Tom gets back.
3. We'll go out as soon as the shops open.
4. You drive first, and when you are tired, I'll take over.
5. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll get there.
6. We will send you the goods as soon as we receive your cheque.
7. I'll wait as you like.
8. Whip the whites of the eggs till they are quite stiff.
9. Shall I jump out when the bus slows down at the next corner? -
10. No, you'd better wait till it stops at the traffic lights.
11. You are too young to understand. I will explain it to you when you are older.
12. Tom: Brown is the best post in the university. Ann: Now read Smith's poems. When you read them you'll say that he is better.
13. Tom: I can't get used to driving on the left. lark- When you are here for another week you will find it quite easy.
14. The room doesn't look particularly attractive now, but when we clean and paint it, it will look quite different.
15. Pour boiling water on the coffee grounds, wait till the grounds settle, then strain the coffee into a jug.
16. As soon as they see the river the children will want to bathe.
17. When we see the cathedral we’ll go to the museum.
19. Oh, this bridge is so long that by the time we reach it, it will be time to start again at this end.
20. Serve the meal and wash up. When you do the washing up you can go home.
21. The plane won't take off till the fog lifts.
22. Tom will start as soon as his visa arrives.
23. I'm glad you're learning French. When you know French I will give you a job.
24. Shall I boil the baby's milk? Yes, but don't give it to him till it cools. Don't start smoking till the others finish their meal.
"At the dawn of mankind, thanks to the primordial Knowledge, people knew about the One (The one who created everything), denoting its manifestations with the sound of RA. The creative force of RA — the divine feminine principle, the mother of all things, was originally called Allat "
A. "Allatra"
Studying ancient cultures, you can see a single language of signs and symbols, which was used by ancient peoples on different continents to designate sacred concepts for themselves.