The National Health Service provides free treatment for people livg in Britain and gives eminergency treatment for visitors. The greater part of the cost is met from taxes taken from people’s wages.The National Health Service consists of three main parts: the general practitioners, the hospital and specialist services, and local health authority services. Local health authorities are responsible for medical education, hospital building, environmental health, vaccination service and so on.The centre of National Health Service is the general practitioner (GP). Each person is registered with a certain doctor in his or her area. The GP diagnoses, gives medical certificates, prescribes medicinesThe Department of Health provides anti-smoking education programmes, alcohol education programmes, cancer prevention programmes and so on. Much attention is paid to the AIDS and drug programmes.
The National Health Service provides free treatment for people living in Britain and gives emergency treatment for visitors. The National Health Service consists of three main parts: - the general practitioners - the hospital and specialist service, and - local health authority services. The centre of National Health Service is the general practitioner. Dentists and opticians usually have separate clinics. There is also a medium-level hospital staff. District nurses give injections, physiotherapy exercises at people’s homes. Ward nurses take care of the ill in the hospital. Regular medical inspections are held at schools. There also exists a school dental service in every school. Much attention is paid to the educational programmes. Great Britain pays much attention to the qualification of doctors.
1. Yesterday we did not see each other. Вчера мы не видели друг друга.
2. My sister has got grey eyes. У моей сестры серые глаза.