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06.02.2021 23:10 •  Английский язык

school, he turned to the internet, where he found a whole new world of friends. Subscribing to the hugely
popular online game World of Warcraft, he joined 12 million other people — including the actor Vin
Diesel, the presenter Jonathan Ross and his wife Jane Goldman — in a quest reminiscent of Tolkien’s
Lord of the Rings.
In the game, players create avatars in whose guise they spend hours joining guilds of other
players to fight battles. “There’s lots of working together,” says Alexander. “That’s what made it so
attractive, because the social thing was something I always had trouble with. It was a lot easier to
socialise and make friends online than it was in real life.”
The 19-year-old’s interest in the game soon developed into an obsession. He began skipping his
biology lectures at university and spending up to 17 hours a day online. Eventually he had depression
diagnosed and was put on medication. He was also treated for internet addiction. Alexander admits that
he needed help: “I don’t think I would have been able to get out of it myself.”
Although the medical world is divided as to whether internet addiction actually exists, Online Gamers
Anonymous offers a 12-step programme to help compulsive players to wean themselves off games such
as World of Warcraft, Ever Quest and Final Fantasy. David Smallwood, the addiction treatment
progamme manager at The Priory in London, believes that such games are particularly addictive for
young men.
The better they get at playing the game, Smallwood says, the more they can “progress to being
someone more important”, which they are unable to do in real life. To continue enjoying this elevated
status they must get better and better at the game, playing for increasingly long periods of time. “What
then happens is that kids become withdrawn, their schoolwork suffers because they are not doing
homework and they may develop an addiction to skunk because they are locked in a room? Plus there’s
the problem of not eating, as they have no time to eat in the middle of a battle.”
Three years ago, an article in the journal Advances in Psychiatric Treatment posited that a
“substantial minority” of the 46.6 million web users in Britain — some experts reckon 5-10 per cent —
may be addicts. In 2006, a report from Stanford Medical School in the US estimated that almost 14 per
cent of the 180 million Americans with internet access found it difficult to stop using the web for more
than a few days.
Smallwood says that ten years ago he had never met anyone with an internet addiction, but in the
past five years he has come across ten cases, which he believes is just “scraping the surface” of a much
bigger problem. He suggests that parents often fail to tackle the addiction because they think that “if little
Johnny is sitting in his bedroom playing on the internet, he’s not outside with all the dangers of drugs or
alcohol; he’s not out there with all those rough kids”.

Task 1 Read the text and mark the following statements TRUE or FALSE
1. Players create characters so that they can fight on their own in battle.
2. Alexander likes working with others on a day-to-day basis in real life.
3. Alexander was not addicted to the game right from the beginning.
4. It is unanimously agreed that internet addiction really exists.
5. “Online Gamers Anonymous” offers help to compulsive players so that they can stop playing from one
day to the next.
6. David Smallwood suggests that parents fail to recognize that internet addiction is a problem.

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Я ездил в Москву с родителями на летних
каникулах. Столица оставила у меня
впечатление огромного, великого и богатого
города. Я хотел бы посетить ее еще не один
Гуляя по центру, я увидел Кремль, Красную
площадь, захоронения разных великих людей
у Кремлевской стены, в том числе маленький
черный Мавзолей Ленина. Видел и знаменитые
куранты на башне Кремля, бой которых звучит
по телевизору на каждый Новый год. Но
больше всего мне понравился собор Василия
Блаженного. Своими яркими разноцветными
куполами и башенками он напоминает на
волшебный дворец.
В Москве очень много красивых клумб с
цветами и фонтанов. Например, на Поклонной
горе созданы большие цветочные часы, а
фонтаны подсвечены ярко-красным светом.
Их не отличишь от языков пламени.
I went to Moscow with her parents on summer
holidays. Capital left me
seems huge, great and rich
cities. I would like to visit it more than one
Walking through the center, I saw the Kremlin, Red
area, dumping various greats
near the Kremlin wall, including small
Black Lenin's Mausoleum. Seen and famous
Chimes in the tower of the Kremlin's battle which sounds
on TV every New Year. Yet
Most of all I liked the St. Basil
Blessed. His brightly colored
domes and towers, he recalled on
Magic Palace.
In Moscow, a lot of beautiful flowerbeds with
flowers and fountains. For example, on Poklonnaya
Mount create more flower clock, and
fountains illuminated bright red light.
They can not be distinguished from the flames. это просто путешествие
4,8(87 оценок)
Зима часто начинается с холодных ветров и солнечных морозных дней, пришедших на смену дождливой поздней осени. Уже давно сбросившие листья деревья погружаются в глубокий сон. Яркое солнце светит всего несколько часов в сутки и совсем не согревает. На улице мороз, и люди выдыхают густые струи пара. Все закутались в теплые шарфы, спрятали уши под  шапками, а руки в перчатки. Только нос  и щеки никак не уберечь от мороза, и они становится румяными.А потом выпадает долгожданный  снег – густой и чистый, который не тает через полчаса и не превращается в слякоть. Снег превращает обычный мир вокруг в сказочный. Снег толстым белым ковром устилает крыши домов, ложится на ветви деревьев, а в воздухе еще кружатся большие снежинки. Замерзают реки. А в городах заливают катки, на которых можно кататься на коньках или просто так, и там всегда полно детворы. Играют в снежки, лепят снеговиков, катаются на санках, лыжах. Везде слышатся взрывы смеха и радостные крики.Иногда бывает такая метель, что не видно на метр впереди себя, ветер и снег бьют в лицо. А бывают спокойные ясные дни, когда снег искрится на солнце, будто состоит из драгоценных камней.Когда наступают новогодние праздники, повсюду зажигают разноцветную иллюминацию – на центральной елке в центре города, в окнах всех домов и магазинов.Зима – будто настоящая Снежная королева, холодная и иногда неприветливая. Зато прекрасная в своих шикарных белых одеждах из снега и украшениях из бриллиантов льда. Набросив на плечи шаль из ветра и метели, зима неслышным шагом легко ступает по земле, радуя нас своей красотой и веселыми зимними забавами.
4,5(61 оценок)
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