Being president it's an honor, but it is very difficult, that is, to a great responsibility not only for his neighbor and for the whole world. and before you run for president, one must consider whether he is willing to lay on the shoulders of such cargo. here, if i were president, the issue of an immediate solution to the problem was the war and terrorism. i was also concerned about the problem of employment, provision of housing and decent wages of young professionals in rural areas, if i was president, then the matter would be given priority. i would improve the education program in schools, would produce the preservation of the laws of nature, the purity of the cities! i would fight against smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction. i would change the lives of orphans. in our country a huge number of stray animals that may be carriers of various infections. i would be sure to set up a special shelter for them! i think that his people have to love and respect! i would like to see our country was flourishing
Не знаю(。•́︿•̀。)
Мое имя Асель. Мне 10 лет. Я школьница. Я хожу в школу. Мне нравится изучать английский язык и собирать пазлы. Я хочу поделиться с тобой о моей семье. У меня есть мама. Ее имя Шайнэр ( незнаю как читается). Она учитель. Ей нравится ее работа. Ее хобби петь и ходить за покупками. Моя мама любит читать детектив истории.
У меня есть папа. Его имя Айбек (тоже нещнаю как читается). Он доктор. Он умный и трудолюбивый ( тяжело трудящейся ). Мой папа любит играть в гольф. Он занимается спортом чтобы быть здоровым и сильным. Также он любит рыбалку.
Choose one of the topics to write Topic 1. Write an easy about the following topic:Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Give reasons for your answer using your own ideas
Topic 2. Write an essay about the following topic: Doctors, nurses and teacher make a great contribution to society and should be paid more than entertainment and sports celebrities. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer using your own ideas