ответ:The best part about this year was the rescue of the smallest life. It was a very small puppy. He was on the verge of life and death. It was lying near the road. It was in the summer. Apparently, he was hit by one of the cars, and he couldn't walk, just lay there and whimper. Then I took it home without hesitation. Cured. My mother helped me.We fed him, treated him. We loved him very much, but we couldn't leave him at home. And then we put it in good, kind hands. :)))
Самым лучшим в этом году было самой маленькой жизни. Это был очень маленький щенок. Он находился на грани жизни и смерти. Он лежал возле дороги. Это было летом. Видно, его сбила одна из машина, и он не мог ходить, лишь лежать и скулить. Тогда я не раздумывая взял его домой. Вылечил. Мне мама.Мы его кормили, лечили. Очень любили, но мыне могли его оставить дома. А потом мы передали его в хорошие, добрые руки. :)))
I would like to live in the ...(Here comes the city, which you like most). There are almost no homless people due to high salaries(Зарплата) on every job. In addition, it is pretty easy to find a well-paid job on your taste here, because the government provides a lot of new vacancies in order to improve its economics. But before I apply for a job, I would like to learn in an ... unversity(Here you might pick the most famous university and its kind(Гуманитарный, технический (Сорян, не знаю как перевести) ) in a chosen city or country). I have a friend, who told me that there is a perfect housing in addition to a nice studying-what a pleasure to live and study in comfort!. Now, if we move on the Tourism opportunities... (I recommend you going to... , there are a lot of things to see at... ). The climate is pretty nice, and the country/city itself is not pretty far away from Russia/Ryazan/Balakovo. The reason I would love to come here is actually not only studing, but also to meet some of my relatives living here. (Про язык сам додумывай)
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