Hello School! I go to the best school in the world! This is my second home. Every day I'm in a good mood going to get knowledge and happy to open the door to school, because there are good friends are waiting for me, funny, intelligent, and good guys. I do know that they will never betray, help and support in difficult times, because the school gives us not only knowledge, but also teaches us to be real people. Only in our work at the school are kind and sympathetic teacher to help in word and deed. Our teachers love us, care about us as their own children. Graduates of our school - smart, educated, sociable people. We are proud of their achievements. I'm sorry, that will soon have to leave the school after three years fly by. I wish prosperity to their own school, prosperity and success!
There is more water than land on our planet. The largest and deepest ocean in ..the. world is .the.Pacific, then comes ..the. Atlantic. ..the. Indian ocean is only .a. little smaller. .the.. smallest ocean is ..the. Arcticthe longest river in .the.. USA is ..the. Mississippi, ..the. largest sea is ..the. Mediterranean, ...the deepest lake is ... Lake Baikal. Large masses of ... land are called ... continents. They are ... Europe and Asia, ... North and ... South America, ... Australia and ... Antarctica. There are mountain chains in many parts of ...the world. Some of them such as ..the. Urals are old, others like ..the. Caucasus are much younger. ..the. highest mountain chain, which is called ...the Himalayas, is situated in Asia.
1) Did he swim better last year? (общий, т.к. ответить можно -да , или -нет)) 2) Did he swim better or worse last year? ( альтернативный, т. к. есть разделительный союз -или в вопросе) 3) When did he swim better? (специальный вопрос т. к. начинается со специального вопросительного слова _когда, и ответ требуется специальный на такие вопросы-где, куда, когда, зачем и т.д.) 4) He swam better last year, didn't he? ( разделительный вопрос, состоит из 2 частей: - повествовательного предложения- утвердительного или отрицательного и после запятой на конце предложения следует вопрос-хвостик - не так ли?) 5) Who swam better last year? (вопрос к подлежащему начинаем с вопросительного слова Who - кто?)
Hello School! I go to the best school in the world! This is my second home.
Every day I'm in a good mood going to get knowledge and happy to open the door to school, because there are good friends are waiting for me, funny, intelligent, and good guys. I do know that they will never betray, help and support in difficult times, because the school gives us not only knowledge, but also teaches us to be real people.
Only in our work at the school are kind and sympathetic teacher to help in word and deed. Our teachers love us, care about us as their own children.
Graduates of our school - smart, educated, sociable people. We are proud of their achievements.
I'm sorry, that will soon have to leave the school after three years fly by. I wish prosperity to their own school, prosperity and success!