Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet. At present, Saturn has 82 natural satellites. Saturn is the only planet in the solar system whose average density is less than the density of water: if there were a giant bathtub in which to place the planet, Saturn would float in it and not sink! And also the gas giant is covered with layers of clouds and boasts extremely strong winds: their speed can reach 1800 kilometers per hour, while the strongest winds on Earth have a speed of only about 396 kilometers per hour. Scientists conventionally divide Saturn's ring system into three main rings and the fourth is thinner, while in fact the rings are formed from thousands of rings alternating with gaps. The ring system consists mainly of ice particles (about 93%), less heavy elements and less dust.
Less than one-third the mass of Jupiter, Saturn is still an enormous planet. Saturn has a mass of about 95 Earths and has a very rapid rotation rate. Because its rotation rate is so rapid, it has an obvious oblateness. Saturn is well known for having more moons than any other planet in our solar system and a spectacular ring system. At least 20 moons have been spotted to date. Their reflective light suggest that most are covered with snow and ice and are probably made almost entirely of water ice. Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is the most intriguing of all Saturn's moons because of its gigantic chemical content. Scientists believe that the atmosphere on Titan may be the same as that of Earth's some billions years ago which eventually led to life on Earth and thus, possibly future life on Titan.
I took big sweet
he was talkative
I saw clever human
she said,, you fat,,
you went boring
turtle was so slow
my mother looked at her polite
I talked with Brave people
it was so talented
he backed unhappily
We were smart
I loved hard working boys
I ate with silent friends
they went so fast
I knocked at the door and see sad girl
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