I think teenagers need to have phones, but keep track of where they sit and how much. Since nowadays there is a lot of cyberbullying and cyberbullying on the Internet. Especially if they communicate with teenagers who behave incorrectly, for example insult everyone and so on. But it is also better not to let them forget about real life, since teenagers spend a lot of time on the Internet, they don’t help, they don’t want anything. They just want to surf the Internet, so they spoil themselves, both physically and mentally.But it's better not to forget about real life.
1)always you can chip on my shoulder - всегда можешь на меня положится. 2)you always bite off more than you can chew - он всегда берет на себя больше, чем то, с чем может справится успешно. 3)the thieves stole everything but the kitchen sink! - грабители украли все что могли с собой унести. 4)you go for this party o ver my dead body! - ты пойдешь на эту вечеринку, только через мой труп! 5) you think he will be great husband for you? my dear, never j udge a book by its cover! - ты думаешь он будет хорошим для тебя? моя дорогая, никогда не суди книгу по ее обложке! 6)i think they do not know something about it, so b ite your tongue! - я думаю они не должны знать что то об это, поэто держи язык за зубами! 7) be fit always and remember y ou are what you eat! - будьте всегда здоровы и помни ты то, что ты ешь! 8)do no be lazy, it’s a piece of cake! - не ленись - это же так легко! 9) she is beatiful women, i am alredy h ead over heels - она прекрасная женщина и я уже влюбился в неё10)this dress great but it is a n arm and a leg - это платье чудесное, но оно стоит дорого.11)he try to do something but then he blue in the face - он пытался что-то слелать, но вскоре сдался 12)she makes a storm in a teacup - она делает переполох по незначительному поводу (что то похожее с нашим "делать с мухи слона")13)in my party come many friends, not enough room to swim a cat - на мою вечеринку пришло так много гостей, что негде яблоку упасть.14)you mast listen me, but your had in the clouds - ты должен слушать меня, но ты витаешь в облаках.15)this film force heart in your mouth - этот фильм заставит вас испугнуться (этот филь страшный.. ну что-то о ужастиках, похоже на наше "сердце уйдет в пятки")16)they were tie the knot two years ago - они поженились два года назад17)he read that book when the pigs fly - он никогда не прочтет ту книгу (похоже на наше "когда рак на горе свиснет")
1. Helen asked Pete if he had played chess with his father the day before 2. Kate said to her grandmother to help her to cook the soup. 3. Mike said to the teacher that his sister knew two foreign languages. 4. The teacher asked children what they had prepared for that day. 5. Tom said to his sister he had seen her friend at the library the day before. 6. The teacher said to the pupils not to open their books. 7. She asked him if he could borrow her his textbook 8. My mother said to me that I would go to the cinema the next day 9. Mother said to Tom to go to bed 10. Nellie said to Pete that she had never seen his toys 11. He asked her if she had bought the dictionary 12. Grandfather asked Mary if she had got some marks at school 13. Our grandmother said to us we would go to the zoo the next day. 14. Mother said to Pete not to forget to wash his hands. 15. Nick said to his mother he was doing his homework. 16. Tom asked her if she knew the name of the man 17. Mike said to the teacher he had learnt a long poem 18. The man said to the boys not to play in the street. 19. My mother asked me why I don't drink my tea. 20. My friend asked me when I had received that letter. 21. Johnny said to his mother he had seen his friend at the stadium the day before. 22. The boys asked to Pete if he would play football with them. 23. The teacher said to the 8BIA grade they had already understood the theme speech and she was so happy then. 24. Ada asked me where I had seen such trees.
I think teenagers need to have phones, but keep track of where they sit and how much. Since nowadays there is a lot of cyberbullying and cyberbullying on the Internet. Especially if they communicate with teenagers who behave incorrectly, for example insult everyone and so on. But it is also better not to let them forget about real life, since teenagers spend a lot of time on the Internet, they don’t help, they don’t want anything. They just want to surf the Internet, so they spoil themselves, both physically and mentally.But it's better not to forget about real life.