I study in a very large house called a school. At school, I study, do my homework, and have fun with my classmates. The school also has a canteen where I spend a lot of time. We have a large gym where I doing sports and play with friends. Before entering the school, you need to take off your outer clothing, and if it's mud or rain outside, you need to change your shoes.
In many ways computers and their ability to connect to the internet seems to be a tremendous blessing. After all, they allow us to access a tremendous amount of information. We can more easily research almost any topic we can think of. Computers can use such a wide variety of programs. They can check our spelling or grammar usage. They allow us to compile vast data bases of information and allow us to access that information in a large variety of ways. With computers we can store or transmit information thus saving on the need to have warehouses of paper of stored information that can be very difficult to search through and locate what we need.But, is this blessing also a curse in disguise? With spell check we become much less concerned with learning how to spell. With grammar check we find it less demanding to learn correct grammar usage. With the ability to develop and access huge databases of information we get lazy about learning and remembering things we can easily look up. Even doctors get lax in their study of diagnosing symptoms of their patients. Why should they when they can type into a medical diagnostic data base the symptoms and get a list of probable causes and treatments. What would happen to us as a society if there was a nation or even world wide electrical black-out, or if computer hackers/terrorists managed to get into all these data bases and delete them?Just think about the Y2K scare of just a few years ago. The fear was that due to a common programming custom of only allowing 2 spaces for the date instead of 4 that computers would either stop working or start giving erroneous output when the year 2000 came in. Think of the enormous amount of money spent attempting to correct this potential problem before the year 2000 came in.So in an attempt to answer the question of whether computers are a curse or blessing, the only logical answer is they are both. It is ultimately up to human beings to minimize the curse parts while at the same time taking full advantage of the blessing parts.I would love to hear your opnions and annalist of this question. The use of computers are now in almost every aspect of life from home use to business and government use.
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Natural World in Danger We have never seen a dodo. The last of these large birds that couldn’t fly died many years ago. Now it is extinct. A lot more endangered species – fish, reptiles, insects, birds and mammals may disappear. The reason is man who kills animals and destroys their habitats.
It is not just animals that are in danger. So are plants. Every day we use paper and cardboard. We use different kinds of wood in furniture and in other ways. Every year over 100000 sq.km. of forests on Earth can be destroyed. This includes rainforests in South America, Africa and Asia. The huge forests help to control the world’s weather and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. There are many illnesses which we still can not cure. It may be that the medicines we need will be discovered in wild plants, in savannas, in deserts or in rainforests.
If we won’t our lives to be healthy and interesting, a lot of other creatures and plants need growing space too.
I study in a very large house called a school. At school, I study, do my homework, and have fun with my classmates. The school also has a canteen where I spend a lot of time. We have a large gym where I doing sports and play with friends. Before entering the school, you need to take off your outer clothing, and if it's mud or rain outside, you need to change your shoes.