It is very difficult to estimate the area that the internet covers. Also, every second million people remain connected to it with any problem or issue. Apart from that, just like all the things the internet
also has some good and bad effect on the life of people. So the first thing which we have to do is
learn about the good and bad effect of the internet.
Good effects of the internet mean all those things that the internet make possible. Also, these things
make our life easier and safer.
Bad effects of the internet mean all those things that we can no longer do because of the internet.
Also, these things cause trouble for oneself and others too.
You can access in any corner of the world. Also, it is very easy to use and manage. In today’s
world, we cannot imagine our life without it.
II. Answer the questions: (5p)
1. Is it very difficult to estimate the area that the internet covers?
2. What is the first thing which you have to do?
3. Does internet have good and bad effect?
4. Can internet make our life easier?
5. Do you use the Internet?
B. Writing.
III. Fill in: mission, tool, condition, manners, offer. (5p)
1. The Internet is a useful…
2. In Egypt people don’t…… flowers when they visit someone.
3. The working……were unhealthy.
4. He has good…….He is polite.
5. Voyage 1 and 2 are on a ….. to explore space.
C. IV. Define grammar tense. Определите грамматическое время: (5p)
1. My hobby helps me to deal with stress.
2. Friends are talking on the mobile at the moment.
3. I stayed at home because the weather was bad.
4. I didn’t use to send letters.
5. We are leaving our house now.
ответ:The Parliament of Australia is the supreme legislative body of the Australian Union. Being bicameral, the Australian parliament was largely modeled according to the Westminster tradition, although the structure and functions were greatly influenced by the experience of the United States (primarily the structure of the US Congress).
The lower house of Parliament, the House of Representatives, currently consists of 150 deputies, each representing a separate constituency. The number of seats in the ward is not fixed and may vary. For example, according to the results of the 1993 parliamentary elections, there were 147 seats in the chamber, 148 seats in 1996, and 150 seats in 2001.
арламент Австралии — высший законодательный орган Австралийского Союза. Являясь двухпалатным, австралийский парламент в значительной степени смоделирован согласно Вестминстерской традиции, хотя на структуру и функции сильно повлиял опыт США (прежде всего, структура Конгресса США). Согласно части 1 главы 1 Конституции Австралии, в Парламент страны входят Королева Великобритании, Сенат и Палата представителей.
Нижняя палата Парламента, Палата представителей, в настоящее время состоит из 150 депутатов, каждый из которых представляет отдельный избирательный округ. Количество мест в палате не является фиксированным и может изменяться. Например, по результатам парламентских выборов 1993 года в палате было 147 мест, в 1996 году — 148 мест, а в 2001 году