A long time ago one of my best friends underwent bullying from his classmates. I would see it everyday. Day by day it got worse, and I was getting worried. When I asked my friend about this though he just said that it was nothing to worry about. Of course I understood that he didn't want to worry me, but I still felt like I had to do something. Because it was agonizing to see strangers throw rocks at him or call him bad names.
Since there was no clear sign of this getting better, I decided one day to stand up to his bullies. I tried to settle them down, and talk rationaly. In the end though we ended up fighting.
I was happy that I stood up for my friend though.
And afterwards, when we discussed the problem with the adults at our school, it eventually went away.
He was eleven when he crossed the threshold of his third school. He was too thin and short for his age. With his untidy appearance and grim look he didn't make a good impression at all. Classmates disliked everything in him: his poor clothes, his long nose, his habit to never cry while being clobbered. Children are cruel creatures and fastly the Boy became a derelict. Once there was a great scandal in a school: someone stealed money from the form-master's purse!
When a pissed off teacher run out of the class, children crowded around a Boy trying to find out where the money were hidden. As usual, he kept silence. Enraged children decided to find money themselves and turned out his pockets. The money were detected! The Boy tried to take it back but he wasn't allowed to. 'What a shame on our shoulders', cried someone out loud. 'We don't need a thief in our class', shouted the others. Pupils were alreade ready to do something awful but at that moment the teacher returned.
'False alarm, children, don't worry! I have left my money in the coat's pocket!' - said she in a lucky voice.
Children were stunned. They chaotically told her about everything happened without her presence including their mistake.
'Why are you keeping such a huge amount of money with you? Where did you get it?' - asked a teacher our Boy with amazement.
'It's for Mummy. She needs expensive medicines and I do some extra work for it" - replied he shortly.
Everybody felt uneasy. Only the teacher smiled: she knew that everything for the Boy would change in a short time.
It's quarter past five