Dear Lusy,
I haven't written fo you for a long time as I was busy whith my school.
You ask me a few qeastions.
I like to go theater whith my friends and sometimes I can go to theatre whith my family.I usually spened my free time reading books and playing different computer games.I prefere reading fantastik books my favourite book is ,,Persy Jekson'' by Reak Reordon.Now I whant to ask you a few qeastions the first qeastion is ,,Do you like going theatre?''.The second qeastion is ,,How do you spend your free time?''.The thearde qeastion is ,,What is your favourite past time''.
That's all for now.
Write to me soon.
Best wishes,
Укажите своё имя
-How are you?
-well. and you?
-well now. You know I Had a holiday and went to Egypt.
-Oh. cool! Tell me please about your jorney!
-oh. It was terrible!
-terrible? why?
-first Our flight was delayed by six hours. We sat at the airport. We were very tired.
-that's bad. But it is an usual thing.
-ok. when we arrived we were said that my luggage got lost!
-oh. yes. it is terrible. did they find it?
-only in several days. I have no clothes!
-What about hotel? was it good?
-quite good. But It rained every single day. I sat at the hotel all the time. Only once I went to the beach.
-that is awful!
-yes. I was glad to return home. My luggage was found but Some money was stolen from it.
-oh my god! don't be upset. Next your jorney will be fun! I am sure!
-I hope. thanks.
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