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13.02.2021 10:57 •  Английский язык

Insert the words from the vocabulary making necessary change (communication, communicate, negotiate, vital, clarify, flexible, priority, assertive,fit in, temper, in sb’s shoes) 1. It was a question of ... importance.
2. It is ... to act at once.
We must give top
... to housing.
4. He lost his ... with me.
5. I don't think he will ... well with us.
Read the
6. Can you ... me...?
7. He has been in a bad ... all morning
All... with the north has been stopped by snowstorm.
9. It's high time you learnt to control your ...
10. The heart performs a ... bodily function.
11. It is absolutely ... that this should be kept a secret.

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Привет! Конечно, я буду выступать в роли школьного учителя и помогу тебе разобраться с твоим вопросом.

Первое, что мы должны сделать, это найти все слова с окончанием -ed в предложении. И вот они: situated, adapted, located, founded, concentrated, ruined, populated, restored, approved, named.

Теперь мы можем перевести каждое из этих слов на русский язык и проанализировать их грамматическую форму.

situated (расположен) - прошедшее причастие от глагола "situate". Мы видим, что "situated" используется с глаголами "is" и "was", что говорит о настоящем (is) и прошедшем (was) времени.

adapted (приспособлен) - прошедшее причастие от глагола "adapt". Опять же, мы видим, что "adapted" используется с глаголами "is" и "was".

located (расположен) - прошедшая форма от глагола "locate". Здесь также применяются глаголы "is" и "was".

founded (основан) - прошедшая форма от глагола "found". То же самое, "founded" используется с глаголами "is" и "was".

concentrated (концентрированный) - прошедшее причастие от глагола "concentrate". Опять же, мы видим, что "concentrated" используется с глаголами "is" и "was".

ruined (разрушен) - прошедшее причастие от глагола "ruin". Здесь также используются глаголы "is" и "was".

populated (населенный) - прошедшее причастие от глагола "populate". Мы видим, что "populated" применяется с глаголом "is" и прошедшим временем "was".

restored (восстановлен) - прошедшее причастие от глагола "restore". Опять же, "restored" используется с глаголами "is" и "was".

approved (одобрен) - прошедшая форма от глагола "approve". Также используются глаголы "is" и "was".

named (названный) - прошедшая форма от глагола "name". Здесь снова видим глаголы "is" и "was".

Обрати внимание, что все эти глаголы являются правильными глаголами и имеют одну и ту же форму для прошедшего времени (окончание -ed). Изучив все эти слова и их грамматические формы, можем сделать вывод, что они используются как частицы прошедшего времени или прошедшие причастия в предложении.

Надеюсь, эта информация более ясна и понятна теперь. Если у тебя возникнут ещё вопросы, не стесняйся обратиться ко мне!
4,6(7 оценок)
II. Nowadays noise is becoming a major pollutant. We are chronically subjected to noise which usually varies between 35 and 60 decibels. (Option 3) are chronically subjected)

Explanation: The sentence talks about the current situation where noise pollution is a major problem. The word "chronically" suggests that this is a long-term or continuous issue. Since the sentence is in the present tense and refers to an ongoing problem, the correct verb form to use would be "are chronically subjected." This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

12. Today grave concern is expressed about the pollution of water, air, and soil. (Option 2) is expressed)

Explanation: The sentence is talking about a current situation where there is a general expression of concern about pollution. The verb "is expressed" is in the present tense and matches the tense of the sentence. The use of "is expressed" indicates that this concern is happening now.

13. Ecological problems are being given much attention lately. (Option 3) are being given)

Explanation: The sentence is talking about a recent trend where ecological problems are receiving a lot of attention. The phrase "are being given" suggests an ongoing action or process, indicating that attention is continuously being given to these problems. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

14. Environmental research centers are equipped with up-to-date devices. (Option 4) are equipped)

Explanation: The sentence is talking about the current state or condition of environmental research centers. The phrase "are equipped" suggests that these centers currently have up-to-date devices. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

15. The International Forum "Education for Sustainable Development" is reported to be held in May. (Option 1) is reported)

Explanation: The sentence is talking about information that has been reported or shared about the International Forum. The use of "is reported" suggests that this information is currently circulating or being communicated. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

16. An exhibition entitled "Oxford University Press-A Journey of Five Centuries" has been organized by Oxford University Press. (Option 2) has been organized)

Explanation: The sentence is talking about a past action that is relevant to the current situation. The phrase "has been organized" indicates that the exhibition was organized in the past and is still relevant in the present. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

17. Along with rare books, the latest scientific editions are being shown at the exhibition. (Option 1) are being shown)

Explanation: The sentence is talking about an ongoing action or process at the exhibition. The phrase "are being shown" suggests that the showing of the latest scientific editions is happening continuously or currently. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

18. The chairman emphasized that Oxford University Press is considered to be the greatest and oldest University publishing house in the world. (Option 4) is considered)

Explanation: The sentence is stating a general fact or belief about Oxford University Press. The use of "is considered" suggests that this belief or perception exists currently. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

19. He told me that he was offered a well-paid job at a publishing house. (Option 3) was offered)

Explanation: The sentence is reporting something that was said in the past. The verb form "was offered" matches the past tense of the reporting verb "told." This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

20. Next year he will be given a grant to study abroad for a year. (Option 4) will be given)

Explanation: The sentence talks about a future event where someone will receive a grant. The future tense "will be given" indicates that this granting of a grant is planned or expected to happen in the future. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

21. At this very moment, the suspect is being interviewed by the police. (Option 2) is being interviewed)

Explanation: The sentence describes an action that is happening right now. The phrase "is being interviewed" suggests that the process of interviewing the suspect is currently ongoing. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.

22. The government says tax reforms will be introduced in the new year. (Option 4) will be introduced)

Explanation: The sentence expresses a future action or plan. The phrase "will be introduced" indicates that the introduction of tax reforms is planned or expected to happen in the future. This option matches the tense and meaning of the sentence.
4,7(84 оценок)
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