Где находится Российская Федерация? Какую часть земной поверхности занимает Российская Федерация? Какова общая площадь страны? Какие моря и океаны страна омывается? С какими странами граничит Россия? Каков климат в России? Какие горные цепи есть в России? Какая горная цепь отделяет Россию от Азии? Сколько рек в России? Россия богата лесами, не так ли? Чем богата Россия полезных ископаемых? С какими странами. Что такое столица России? Является ли Россия парламентской республикой? Кто правит страной? Какова сейчас политическая и экономическая ситуация в стране.
Ну, вроде так. =)
I hope you are doing fine. Have you got any news to tell me? You asked me some question and I would like to answer them now. You asked for my opinion about being independent of my parents. I think one can hardly be independent when he or she is under 18. We don't have necessary skills and knowledge to live separately from our parents. Renting a room or a flat can also cost a lot and only our parents can pay for us. What about you? When do you plan to start living separately from your parents? As to leaving parents as soon I finish school, I think I could do it. If I enter a good university with good accomodation, living without my parents would be no problem. Though I think I would miss my home, especially during the first months. Many Russian students who study abroad miss their homes in the beginning. It is not easy to get used to another country and the language. And it can take a lot of time to understand traditions and customs of the new country. Have you ever studied abroad? Do you think you could live far from your home for a long time? OK, so much for today. Write soon.
Best wishes,