НАДО - NEWSFLASH! (1.NEWFLASH! - НЕВЕРНО) «We interrupt your usual schedule to bring you (2.an) important news. We are receiving information(s)-только ед число) about a spaceship that has landed outside the White House. The large ship seems to be made of glass(3.glasses). Reporters (4.reports) say that a short time ago aliens came out of the craft. Eye-witnesses described them as short and said their clothes were(5.was) made of metal and their hair (6.hairs) was bright green. Strangely, one of them appeared to be wearing(7. a) jeans. Much people said that they seemed to be friendly. The President of the United States is currently holding a meeting with the visitors in the hope that we can exchange knowledge (8.knowledges). Police advice is (9.are) to stay indoors and under no circumstances (10.circum stnces) approach the spaceship. We will be back with another news as soon as we can. And now, back to your usual programme,Gardening for Beginners».
3. It`s impossible. He never TAKES his bike to school on Fridays. IS he WEARING a helmet at the moment?
4. No he ISN`T.
5. He normally WEARS a helmet when he RIDES his bike.
6. Let me call him to find out what IS HAPPENING ... Mike! What ARE you DOING?
7. Oh, hi, Dad. Well, you know l usually PLAY football on Fridays. But because this Friday is Pete`s birthday we decided to come to the park. Pete HAS his bike here.
8. Why AREN`T you WEARING a helmet?
9. How DO you KNOW that, Dad? DO you SPY on me again?!
«We interrupt your usual schedule to bring you (2.an) important news. We are receiving information(s)-только ед число) about a spaceship that has landed outside the White House. The large ship seems to be made of glass(3.glasses). Reporters (4.reports) say that a short time ago aliens came out of the craft. Eye-witnesses described them as short and said their clothes were(5.was) made of metal and their hair (6.hairs) was bright green. Strangely, one of them appeared to be wearing(7. a) jeans. Much people said that they seemed to be friendly. The President of the United States is currently holding a meeting with the visitors in the hope that we can exchange knowledge (8.knowledges). Police advice is (9.are) to stay indoors and under no circumstances (10.circum stnces) approach the spaceship. We will be back with another news as soon as we can. And now, back to your usual programme,Gardening for Beginners».