Girl Dorothy lived with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in the Kansas steppe. Uncle Henry was a farmer, and Aunt Em was a farm. Hurricanes often raged in these places, and the family fled from them in the cellar. Once Dorothy hesitated, did not have time to go down into the cellar, and the hurricane grabbed the house and carried it along with Dorothy and the dog Totoshka to no one knows where. The house landed in the magical land of Oz, in that part of it where the Munchkins lived, and so successfully that it crushed the evil sorceress who ruled in these parts. The Munchkins were very grateful to the girl, but could not help her return to her native Kansas. On the advice of the good sorceress of the North, Dorothy goes to the Emerald City to the great sage and wizard Oz, who, in her opinion, will certainly help to be with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em again. Putting on the silver shoes of the deceased evil sorceress, Dorothy goes to the Emerald City along the road paved with yellow bricks. She soon meets the Scarecrow, who scares the crows in the cornfield, and they go to the Emerald City together, as the Scarecrow wants to ask the great Oz for some brains. Then they find a rusty Tin Woodman in the forest, who is unable to move. Having greased it with oil from the oil can left in this strange creature's hut, Dorothy brings him back to life. The Tin Woodman asks him to take him with him to the Emerald City: he wants to ask the great Oz for his heart, because, it seems to him, without a heart he cannot truly love. Soon, Leo joins the squad, who assures new friends that he is a terrible coward and he needs to ask the great Oz for a little courage. After going through many trials, friends arrive in the Emerald City, but the great Oz, appearing before each of them in a new guise, sets a condition: he will fulfill their requests if they kill the last evil sorceress in Oz, who lives in the West, pushing the timid and intimidated by the Winkers. Friends hit the road again. The evil sorceress, noticing their approach, is trying in various ways to destroy the intruders, but the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion show a lot of courage, courage and a desire to protect Dorothy, and only when the sorceress summons the Flying Monkeys does she manage to gain the upper hand. Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion are captured. The Tin Woodman is thrown onto sharp stones, straw is poured from the Scarecrow. But the evil sorceress of the West did not rejoice for long. Driven to despair by her bullying, Dorothy douches her with water from a bucket, and, to her surprise, the old woman begins to melt, and soon there is only a dirty puddle of her. Friends return to the Emerald City, demanding what was promised. The Great Oz hesitates, and then it turns out that he is no magician and sage, but the most ordinary deceiver. At one time, he was a circus balloonist in America, but, like Dorothy, he was carried by a hurricane into Oz, where he managed to deceive gullible local residents and convince them that he was a powerful wizard. However, he fulfills the requests of Dorothy's friends: he stuffs the Scarecrow's head with sawdust, which causes him to experience a surge of wisdom, inserts a scarlet silk heart into the Tin Woodman's chest and gives the Cowardly Lion some kind of potion to drink from the bottle, assuring that now the King of Beasts will feel like a brave man. It is more difficult to fulfill Dorothy's request. After much deliberation, Oz decides to make a big balloon and fly back to America with the girl. However, at the last moment, Dorothy rushes to catch the escaped Totoshka, and Oz flies away alone. Friends go for advice to the good sorceress Glinda, ruling the southern country of the Quodlings. On the way, they have to endure a battle with the Warring Trees, pass through the china country and get acquainted with the very unfriendly Shooting Heads, and the Cowardly Lion cracks down on a giant spider that kept the forest dwellers in fear. Glinda explains that the silver shoes Dorothy took from the evil sorceress in the country Munchkins can take her anywhere, including Kansas. Dorothy says goodbye to her friends. The Scarecrow becomes the ruler of the Emerald City. The Tin Woodman is the lord of the Winkers, and the Cowardly Lion, as it should be, is the king of the forest dwellers. Soon Dorothy and Totoshka find themselves in their native Kansas, but without their silver shoes: they got lost along the way.
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Мой брат Самэд - студент. Он не работает.У него плохо с деньгами. Он тратит много денег на одежду.А на книги он тратит совсем мало.Мои родители не дают ему много денег.Но моя бабушка дает ему их каждый раз,когда видит его. Моя сестра Айгюн имеет новую работу. Она работает учителем на курсах англ. языка.Она никогда не заходит после работы. Она говорит, что она любит оставаться с ее маленьким сыном дома. Ее сыну 4 года. Он милый. Мой отец Али - доктор.Он хороший доктор.Он любит свою работу.Он мне делать мою домашнюю работу
Прочитайте текст и среди утверждений после текста найдите верные. Дорогая Мег! Мы с семьёй ездили в июле на море, и нам там очень понравилось. Наш отель был большим и очень комфортабельным. Рядом с ним располагалось множество кафе и магазинов. Также там был современный кинотеатр и концертный зал. В отеле был отличный бассейн, и я часто ходил туда. В номере был телевизор, холодильник и душ. Отель располагался на берегу моря в очень красивом месте. Погода в июле была прекрасной, жаркой и солнечной. Мы отлично провели время и познакомились с приятными людьми. Детям очень понравилось. Они сказали, что это был их лучший отдых. Сейчас мы дома, и у нас очень много дел. На следующей неделе начинаются занятия в школе. И я выхожу на работу на следующей неделе. Мы собираемся навестить моих родителей в выходные, убрать дом и полить сад. Приезжай к нам поскорее! Мартин
Верные утверждения: с) Летом Мартин с семьёй жили в прекрасном месте. d) Летом Мартин с семьёй ходил в кафе и магазины.
Girl Dorothy lived with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in the Kansas steppe. Uncle Henry was a farmer, and Aunt Em was a farm. Hurricanes often raged in these places, and the family fled from them in the cellar. Once Dorothy hesitated, did not have time to go down into the cellar, and the hurricane grabbed the house and carried it along with Dorothy and the dog Totoshka to no one knows where. The house landed in the magical land of Oz, in that part of it where the Munchkins lived, and so successfully that it crushed the evil sorceress who ruled in these parts. The Munchkins were very grateful to the girl, but could not help her return to her native Kansas. On the advice of the good sorceress of the North, Dorothy goes to the Emerald City to the great sage and wizard Oz, who, in her opinion, will certainly help to be with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em again. Putting on the silver shoes of the deceased evil sorceress, Dorothy goes to the Emerald City along the road paved with yellow bricks. She soon meets the Scarecrow, who scares the crows in the cornfield, and they go to the Emerald City together, as the Scarecrow wants to ask the great Oz for some brains. Then they find a rusty Tin Woodman in the forest, who is unable to move. Having greased it with oil from the oil can left in this strange creature's hut, Dorothy brings him back to life. The Tin Woodman asks him to take him with him to the Emerald City: he wants to ask the great Oz for his heart, because, it seems to him, without a heart he cannot truly love. Soon, Leo joins the squad, who assures new friends that he is a terrible coward and he needs to ask the great Oz for a little courage. After going through many trials, friends arrive in the Emerald City, but the great Oz, appearing before each of them in a new guise, sets a condition: he will fulfill their requests if they kill the last evil sorceress in Oz, who lives in the West, pushing the timid and intimidated by the Winkers. Friends hit the road again. The evil sorceress, noticing their approach, is trying in various ways to destroy the intruders, but the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion show a lot of courage, courage and a desire to protect Dorothy, and only when the sorceress summons the Flying Monkeys does she manage to gain the upper hand. Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion are captured. The Tin Woodman is thrown onto sharp stones, straw is poured from the Scarecrow. But the evil sorceress of the West did not rejoice for long. Driven to despair by her bullying, Dorothy douches her with water from a bucket, and, to her surprise, the old woman begins to melt, and soon there is only a dirty puddle of her. Friends return to the Emerald City, demanding what was promised. The Great Oz hesitates, and then it turns out that he is no magician and sage, but the most ordinary deceiver. At one time, he was a circus balloonist in America, but, like Dorothy, he was carried by a hurricane into Oz, where he managed to deceive gullible local residents and convince them that he was a powerful wizard. However, he fulfills the requests of Dorothy's friends: he stuffs the Scarecrow's head with sawdust, which causes him to experience a surge of wisdom, inserts a scarlet silk heart into the Tin Woodman's chest and gives the Cowardly Lion some kind of potion to drink from the bottle, assuring that now the King of Beasts will feel like a brave man. It is more difficult to fulfill Dorothy's request. After much deliberation, Oz decides to make a big balloon and fly back to America with the girl. However, at the last moment, Dorothy rushes to catch the escaped Totoshka, and Oz flies away alone. Friends go for advice to the good sorceress Glinda, ruling the southern country of the Quodlings. On the way, they have to endure a battle with the Warring Trees, pass through the china country and get acquainted with the very unfriendly Shooting Heads, and the Cowardly Lion cracks down on a giant spider that kept the forest dwellers in fear. Glinda explains that the silver shoes Dorothy took from the evil sorceress in the country Munchkins can take her anywhere, including Kansas. Dorothy says goodbye to her friends. The Scarecrow becomes the ruler of the Emerald City. The Tin Woodman is the lord of the Winkers, and the Cowardly Lion, as it should be, is the king of the forest dwellers. Soon Dorothy and Totoshka find themselves in their native Kansas, but without their silver shoes: they got lost along the way.
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