During my summer holiday I am going to do whatever I like, I don't have to get up too early or do my homework. On June I am going to visit my grandparents. I am going to meet all my old friends and spend some time with them. On July I am going to go to Sochi with my family. There we are going to swim, lie in the sun on the beach, buy some souvenirs and visit some interesting places. My father is going to show us the famous Botanical Gardens, we are also going to go for hikes in the mountains and see the magnificent Waterfalls. On August we are going to return home from the sea. I am going to spend this month at home preparing for school. It's fun to have holidays.
Например? Какая викторина, о чем? Не сказала, поэтому вот тебе просто вопросы наипримитивнейшие:
1) What is your favorite color? (Какой твой любимый цвет?) 2) Do you have pets? (у тебя есть питомцы?) 3) What is your favorite dish? (какое твое любимое блюдо?) 4) Do you have a brother? (у тебя етсь брат?) 5) Do you have a sister? (у тебя есть сестра?) 6) Have you ever heard about..\тут слово\? (Ты когда-нибудь слышал об..?) 7) Have you ever seen a butterfly? (ты коогда-нибудь видел бабочку?) 8) Did you ever think about that? (ты когда-нибудь задумывался об этом?\вместо этом любое слово\) 9) Do you love to read\draw\write a poem\play football\sing? (Ты любишь читать\рисовать\писать стихи\играть в футбол\петь?)