1)Rone has never been to the usa. he wanted to go there last summer but he could not
2) george has lived in this town
3) my cousin mary come back to London last sunday
4) jack wrote a letter to nick two days ago
5) we sent that postcard two days ago
6) they have just bought some postcards
7) have you ever seen an elephant? yes, i have. i saw it
8) where has ken put his glasses?
9) my mum hasn't cooked the dinner yet, but she has already do the flat
10) it was the first time when Kitty hasn't gone to the school party
Local conflicts between various armed groups lead to countless acts of violence and cause destruction. Civilian population faces the risks of extortion, robbery, kidnapping, and even murder. Hospitals and schools often close in such areas. In addition, continuous fighting disrupts normal economic life, which affects all areas of life, and may cause severe problems such as food shortage. Usually, there is no stable government on such territories, so people don’t even know where to turn for help. That is why living in these places is very difficult and highly dangerous.
Linkin Park(Группа)
1) В каком году появилась ваша группа?
In what year did your group appeared?
2) Сами ли вы пишите песни?
Do you write songs?
3) Как вы добились успеха в музыкальной карьере?
How did you succeed in the music career?
4) Чем вы занимаетесь за пределами группы?
What do you do outside of the group?
5) Вы можите рассказать, какаво это быть мировой звездой?
You can follow any responses to tell kakavo is to be a world star?