3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.) 1. the smallest electric a. behind Sykes’ device
2 a feat of scientific b. record holder
3. just a billionth of c. the tiniest machines
4. The current world- d. of his discovery
5. used to power e. genius
6. chemical f. wheels
7. some mind-boggling science g. motor ever created
8. excited about the future h. to one another
9. lining them up next i. a metre wide
10. they're like miniature cog- j. reactions
Tim doesn't do his morning exercises every day. Does Tim do his morning exercises every day? What does Tim do every day?
2. He always smokes before lunch. (When?) Он всегда курит перед обедом.
He doesn't smoke before lunch (или He never smokes before lunch). Does he always smoke before lunch? When does he always smoke?
3. Mary’s mother taught her how to cook. (Whom?) Мама Мэри учила её готовить.
Mary’s mother didn't teach her how to cook. Did Mary's mother teach her how to cook? Whom did she teach how to cook?
4. Yesterday we spent a lot of money. (What?) Вчера мы потратили уйму денег.
Yesterday we didn't spend a lot of money. Did we spend a lot of money yesterday? What did we spend yesterday?
5. My sister will wear her new dress. (When?) Моя сестра оденет своё новое платье.
My sister won't wear her new dress. Will my sister wear her new dress? When will my sister wear her new dress?
6. We shall join them later. (Why?) Мы присоединимся к ним позже.
We shall not join them later. Shall we join them later? Why shall we join them later?