I know anout the Bight of Benin ( я знаю о заливе Бенин)
Avoid the barraks like the plague (избегай казармы, как чумы)
This man is building the Reliable bridge (этот мужчина строит надежный/крепкий/безопасный мост)
Kate is thinking that she looks confident (Кейт думает, что она выглядит уверенной в себе)
This king has been very generous, because he gave a lot of food to his poor people (этот король был очень щедр, потому что он дал много еды своему белному народу)
I have never heard a pisimistic music like that (никогда не слушал такую писимистичную музыку)
1.Present Simple
He plays chess every day.
2.Past Simple
He played chess every day.
3.Future Simple
He will play chess every day.
4.Present Progressive
He is playing chess every day.
5.Past Progressive
He was playing chess every day.
6.Future Progressive
He will be playing chess every day.
7.Present Perfect
He has played chess every day.
8.Past Perfect
He had played chess every day.
9.Future Perfect
He will have played chess every day.
10.Present Perfect Progressive
He has been playing chess every day.
11.Past Perfect Progressive
He had been playing chess every day.
12.Future Perfect Progressive
He will have been playing chess every day.