As miraculously you talk for English.
- there Is nothing surprizing, I studied him in a college in theflow of three years.
2. She got letters from Chris long time, but now he writesnothing. That is why she is so disordered.
3. - Let us dance
- Excuse me, I got tired. I dance whole evening.
4. Apartment clean. Whole day Ann and her mother washedполы, windows, wiped a dust.
5. We know this poem by heart. We listened him oftentimesin the flow of week.
6. Коля of look healthy and strong after summervacations. He bathed in the river, sunbathed and playedvolley-ball.
7. - For you good lecture.
- I prepared him in the flow of week.
9. Ted has a good pronunciation. He was much practiced inthe hall of listening. Listened many English texts in the flowof all semester.
2 was stole 3 - was boy knew,4-was,5- did the criminal do,6-did the photo help 7-was,8-was this story ended