Tax system - a combination of taxes, established by the state authority, as well as the methods and principles of taxation. Under the tax refers to mandatory individual grant payments from organizations and individuals in the form of alienation belonging to them by right of ownership, economic management or operational management of funds for the purpose of financial support of the state and (or) municipalities. By gathering meant the compulsory contribution levied on companies and individuals, the payment of which is a condition of the commission in relation to payers of duties by state bodies, local government bodies, other authorized bodies and officials of legally significant actions, including the provision of certain rights or permits (licenses ) or the payment of which is due to the implementation within the territory in which the charge is introduced, certain types of business. The Russian Federation has established the following taxes and fees: federal, regional and local. Federal taxes and fees are recognized as taxes and fees that are required to be paid on the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Regional taxes taxes are established NFPs and the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation on taxes and obligatory for payment on the territories of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Local taxes and fees are recognized as taxes and charges, which are established NFPs and normative legal acts of representative bodies of municipal formations on taxes and fees and are obligatory for payment on the territories of the municipalities.
1. Великобритания приняла поэтапную программу по сокращению загрязнения воздуха. has adopted - Present Perfect, Active Voice Инфинитив - to have adopted
2. Угольные пожары не разрешены в Лондоне are not allowed - Present Simple, Passive Voice Инфинитив - to be not allowed
3. Большинство загрязнений исходит от машин, так что будем надеяться, что электромобили будут широко применяться в будущем will be used - Future Simple, Passive Voice Инфинитив - to be used
4. Большое количество шума вызвано транспортом и самолетами. has been caused - Present Perfect, Passive Voice Инфинитив - to have been caused
5. Новые предприятия во многих странах специально ориентированны по отношению к развитым промышленным странам. have been export-oriented - Present Perfect, Passive Voice Инфинитив - to have been export-oriented
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