Write in order. Расставьте диалог по порядку. a) Here you are.Anything else? b) Thank you. c) They are 1200 soums a kilo. d) Sorry,no. 2400 soums,please. e) Here you are. f) How much do onions cost? g) Do you have a cucumbers? h) Two kilos, please.
Наверняка, каждый из вас слышал о Донбассе и Кузбассе. А слышали ли вы о Кизбассе? Кто постарше - точно слышал, но давно забыл. Однако уголь здесь начали добывать еще в 1797 году (штольня Запрудная). Закончили совсем недавно - последняя шахта закрылась в 2000 году. Если же говорить именно о Юбилейном, то здесь располагалась достаточно крупная Шумихинская шахта, разработка которой началась в 1969 году. В 90-е годы месторождения Кизеловского угольного бассейна были признаны нерентабельными, после чего стали постепенно закрывать шахты и переселять жителей. Перевод на англ. Surely, each of you heard about the Donbass and Kuzbass. Have you heard about Kizbass? Who is older - just heard, but long ago forgot. However, coal began to mine here in 1797 (the Zaprudnaya tunnel). We finished recently - the last mine was closed in 2000. If we talk specifically about the Jubilee, then here was located a fairly large Shumikhinsky mine, the development of which began in 1969. In the 1990s, deposits of the Kizelovsky coal basin were deemed unprofitable, after which they began to gradually close the mines and relocate the inhabitants.
Every morning we with a dog will go for long walks. I will take with me a couple of sandwiches, water and a treat for the dog. We will go to the field, to the hill, where I later sit down and admire the beautiful view, and the dog will run after butterflies and birds. Perhaps he will even see a rabbit a couple of times. The cat will be at home waiting for our return. Then I'll go to work, and they'll stay home. When I return from work, I will certainly see a broken glass or a scratched dog's nose. But the evening hours will be the most pleasant. I sit in a chair with a book, a cat will climb on my lap, and the dog will lie at my feet, and we will enjoy silence and each other.