1. A new environmental projection policy was developed by a number of west European countries a few years ago. was developed - past simple passive - develop
2. This novel is much talked about. is talked - present simple passive - tallk
3. .Such texts are usually translated in class . are translated - present simple passive - translate
4. Some members of the government have decided to retire. have decided - Present Perfect Active - decide
5. The majority of people spend their holidays by the sea or in the countryside. spend - present simple active
6. The region around the Great lakes has changeable weather. has - present simple active
1 Новая экологическая политика проекции был разработан ряд стран Западной Европы несколько лет назад. 2.This романа много говорили. 3.Тексты, как правило, переводятся в класс. 4.Члены правительства имеют decidecl в retire.5.Большинство людей проводят свой отпуск на берегу моря или в countryside.6Область вокруг Великих озер имеет переменчивая погода.