the olimpic games returned to our lives in 1896. organized them the french nobleman pierre de coubertin. they were successful. the olimpic games are held every four years. the main idea of the games is to make friends all the people. it is the great honor to become an olympic city.
in 1980 moscow joined the family of olympic cities. the xxii olympic games in sochi were a great successful too. millions of people are watching them all over the world.
the times has changed, but one thing isn't never changed the winners of the olympiad become national heroes in their countries.
They have finished the project A-20 this week – Они завершили проект А-20 на этой неделе.
I have used this computer since 2010 – Я пользуюсь этим компьютером с 2010 года.
She has lived in England for three month – Она жила в Англии 3 месяца.
We have just cooked potatoes with vegetables – Мы только что приготовили картофель с овощами.
You have already been in Prague – Вы уже были в Праге.
I have seen a koala in the local zoo three times. It has always slept – Я видел коалу в местном зоопарке три раза. Она всегда спала.
They have owned this building since they bought it in 1999 – Они владеют этим зданием с тех пор, как купили его в 1999 году.
He has always liked such films – Ему всегда нравились такие фильмы.
We have never flown by a military plane – Мы никогда не летали на военном самолете.
It is the first time she has painted someone’s portrait – Она впервые нарисовала чей-то портрет.