1.We used to share all our problems.
Мы привыкли показывать все наши проблемы.
2.We did not used to go to the same school but we do now.
Мы не привыкли ходить в одну и туже школу,но сейчас мы привыкаем.
3.Did you used to go to the same school as Emily?
Ты ходил(ты привык ходить) в ту же школу, что и Эмили?
Правило used to.
Модальный глагол Used to
Модальный глагол Used toUsed to модальный глагол ,он занимает некое пограничное положение между модальными и полнозначными английскими глаголами. В отличие от всех остальных модальных глаголов, он используется только в форме времени. Как следствие, когда он употребляется в комбинации с doдля образования вопросов и отрицаний, вс глагол употребляется в времени.
Timmy did not use to be so gloom when I knew him.
Timmy did not use to be so gloom when I knew him.Тимми не был таким мрачным, когда я знал его.
There are many different families and parents in the world. Unfortunately, there are parents who do not like their children, and they drive them out. But most are good, they can give their lives for their child.
I have parents too, and they are good. They work tirelessly. Mom cleans the apartment, prepares various dishes, does a lot of other work. No wonder they say: "Women's work will never end." This is, of course, the right opinion. Dad, the head of our family, provides for us all: he buys clothes, food, constantly works at various jobs so that we don't miss anything.
I believe that every child should help their parents because parents do not have time to do everything necessary. I help my parents wash, clean the apartment, water the flowers, go to the store.
I have the most wonderful parents, whom I will always help. I love them very much.
Measure three times, and cut once (thinking about the meaning of the proverb)
Proverbs have come down to us from our ancestors as a precious language treasure. They reproduce the wise thoughts of our people, but this wisdom can be understood only by those who respect the native land and the native language, who are worthy of this wisdom.
The adventure I want to tell you about happened in the summer. My friend Nadia wanted to sew a dress for herself. She took a large piece of cloth, scissors, a needle and thread. She started sewing. She was not very diligent and wanted to sew very quickly. Here Nadia somehow took a measure, quickly made notes on the fabric and cut a large piece. She hugged the pattern and decided to cut more. She cut off the sides, but somehow, because she was in a hurry, she wanted to show off her dress as soon as possible. Cut off, sewed, cut, and the dress was small.
She came to me and said:
- Julia, you know, I wanted to sew a dress. I measured once, and then cut a few times and did not guess a bit.
I smiled:
- Nadia, listen to what I tell you. First, everything should be done neatly and diligently and thoughtfully. But a wise proverb will say better than me: "Measure three times, and cut once." Follow this wise thought and you will sew a beautiful dress.
- Yes, Julia, I understood what you wanted to tell me. Thanks.
I did not teach my friend how to sew a beautiful dress, to do everything accurately and neatly. This is what the folk wise proverb teaches us all.