Прогнать по временам: Презент симпл, презент континиус, паст симпл. В трех формах (утверждение, отрицание, вопрос), обязательно со словами-маркерами.1. Я хожу в школу. 2. Он читает книги. 3. Она готовит еду.
1.Hodi tratuary on only the right side. 2.Perehodi street at a pedestrian perehodu.3. Crossing the street on a green traffic light. 4. On the red and yellow traffic light can not cross the street. 5.Pri crossing the street look at whether there is a number of vehicles, there is no danger. 6. It is impossible to get a bus or a trolley standing. Wait until the trucks drive off and transition. 7. When crossing the road, first look to the left, before reaching the middle of the road. Then look to the right and cross the street. 8.Nikogda not run across the road, where there are close to the car.
Тигр является самым большим из диких кошек. Тигр - один из самых больших земных хищников, вторых только белым и бурым медведям. Ассигнованный девяти подвидам тигра, которого начало XXI столетий, только шесть выжили. Общее количество тигров в момент заказа 4000-6500 животных, среди них самым многочисленным является Бенгальский тигр. Через XX столетий тигр включен в Красную Книгу. Охота для запрещенного во всем мире. Среда обитания тигров может быть вполне различна: тропические леса, болота мангрового дерева и чащи бамбука в тропиках, сухих саваннах, пустынях, обнажают скалистые холмы и тайгу на севере.
1.Present Simple
1 I go to school
I don't go to school
Do you go to school?
Past Simple
I went to school
I didn't go to school
Did you go to school?
Present Cont.
I'm going to school
I'm not going to school
Am I going to school?
2.Present Simple
He reads books
He doesn't read books
Does he read books
Past Simple
He read books
He didn't read books
Did he read books?
Present Cont.
He is reading books
He isn't reading books
Is he reading books?
3.Present Simple
She cooks a food
She doesn't cook a food
Does she cook a food?
Past Simple
She cooked a food
She didn't cook a food
Did she cook a food?
Present Cont.
She is cooking a food
She isn't cooking a food
Is she cooking a food?