Задание на фото. 1) we are all aware of the dangers of being overweight and how hard it can be to lose weight this new health drink which my company has invented can help do just that it's better than other drinks because it has a new special formula that gives you all the vitamins you need without extra calories I won't give you all the technical details here but it has been thoroughly tested and is very effective so rather than process with other product I recommend that you try this new one I don't think you will be disappointed
2) I sold my old motorbike last month and got this new one well it isn't new actually it's second-hand I couldn't afford a new one about it is only a couple of years old and it's as good as new really there's hardly a scratch on it I was lucky to get it at such a good price he didn't cost much more than what I got for my old motorbike I get one if I were you but there aren't many around and you're unlikely to get such a good deal but it's really worth trying yeah go for it
3) high blood pressure is due to a buildup of cholesterol in your arteries this has probably been caused by eating too many fatty foods and smoking I can certainly prescribed some drugs that will help to bring down the high cholesterol but initially I'd like you to make some changes to your diet and increase your level of exercise try to avoid eating fatty foods such as cheese butter cakes and so on try also to exercise regularly ideally three times a week for 20 minutes or half an hour come back to me in 3-months if the level is still high we will consider a course of treatment at that point.
4) I came up with the idea for this about 5 years ago but only built in the past 12-months it's circular with handles on each side is battery powered rechargeable batteries of course they are inserted just here it's made of Steel and plastic and it allows you to browse the internet as well so it's a computer combined with the camcorder I've met quite a few people who might be interested in investing in it testing it because it'll take a lot of money or cost to develop and produce but I haven't heard back from them which is a bit worrying because I need money to start advertising it
5) you'll be delighted to hear that the new minibus which the school purchased has finally arrived it runs on biofuel which is sourced from plants so it is very environmentally friendly to get to and from matches quickly and easily we were able to purchase the minibus thanks to the money we made at the Christmas fair we are very grateful to all the people who donated unwanted items for the stored and who made all those delicious cakes and biscuits without you we wouldn't have this wonderful new bus I'm sure the bus will be in high demand from the word go
Одним из самых крупных млекопитающих считается белый медведь. Своими размерами он превосходит всех хищников в мире. Но такие размеры не мешают животному ловко передвигаться по снегу, плавать и нырять. Для белого медведя необходимо находиться рядом с морем. Поэтому он проводит жизнь возле покрытых льдами арктических морей. В основном этот хищник распространен в районе Северного Ледовитого океана, Гудзонова и Баффинова залива, на севере Берингова моря и на арктических островах. Кроме тюленей, белые медведи питаются рыбой, птенцами, падалью. Может охотиться на крупных животных, таких как моржи. Хищник занесен в Красную книгу России и в международную Красную книгу. Охота на него запрещена или ограничена. Для сохранения вида организовали особый режим охраны в местах расположения родовых берлог. Кроме того, следует принять меры для предотвращения появления медведей на территории населенных пунктов. One of the largest mammals is considered to be a polar bear. For its size it surpasses all the predators in the world. But these dimensions do not interfere with the animal cleverly to walk in the snow, to swim and dive. For the polar bear must be near the sea. So he spends life near the ice-covered Arctic seas. Basically, this predator is widespread in the area of the Arctic ocean, Hudson and part of Baffin Bay, in the North Bering sea and on the Arctic Islands. Besides seals, polar bears eat fish, birds, carrion. Can hunt large animals such as walruses. The predator listed in the Red book of Russia and in the international Red book. Hunting is prohibited or restricted. To save the species organized a special regime of protection in the locations of the ancestral dens. In addition, measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of bears in settlements.
Белый медведь — это один из самых крупных хищников на Земле. Его вес составляет от 300 до 800 кг, а длина может доходить до трех метров. Светлая, а иногда и желтоватая шерсть хранит подкожный жир и хорошо защищает от холода, поэтому животные не мерзнут ни на суше, ни под водой. Интересно то, что кожа медведя под шерстью черного цвета, как и нос. Их ступни имеют необычную продолговатую форму, что позволяет им не проваливаться под снег и преодолевать расстояния в 30 километров. Благодаря перегородкам между пальцами животные хорошо плавают и охотятся под водой.
В отличие от бурых медведей, их северные братья не впадают в длительную зимнюю спячку, они спят недолго, не каждый год и, в основном, самки. У мишек очень хорошо развито обоняние и зрение. Они могут за километры увидеть и почуять свою жертву.
Средняя продолжительность жизни на воле — около 30 лет, в неволе — меньше
The polar bear is one of the largest predators on Earth. Its weight ranges from 300 to 800 kg and the length can reach up to three meters. Light, and sometimes yellowish fur stores fat and protects from the cold, so the animals do not freeze nor on land or under water. Interestingly, the skin of a bear under the fur of the black color as the nose. Their feet have an unusual elongated shape that allows them not to fall under the snow and to overcome the distance of 30 kilometers. Thanks to the dividers between the fingers the animals are good swimmers and hunt underwater.
Unlike brown bears, their Northern brothers don't fall into a long hibernation, they sleep for long, not every year, mostly females. The Bruins very well developed sense of smell and sight. They can for miles to see and smell its prey.
The average lifespan in the wild is about 30 years, in captivity — less
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