You should eat more fruits and vegetables. (ты должна кушать много фруктов и овощей)
You shouldn't binge eat. (ты недолжна нажираться (апх))
You may eat fast food once in a while. (ты можешь кушать фаст фуд время от времени)
You should exercise at least three times a week. (ты должна упражняться
You shouldn't starve yourself. (ты не должна голодать)
You shouldn't go on a harsh diet. (ты не должна идти на жёсткую диету)
You should consult a specialist. (ты должна проконсультироваться со специалистом)
You may go to the doctor in case you want to consult him. (ты можешь пойти к доктору если хочешь проконсультироваться)
You may install a fitness app. (Ты можешь скачать приложение для фитнеса)
You shouldn't feel bad about your body at all. (ты не должна вообще чувствовать плохо (думать плохо_ о своем теле).
P.S. Это просто примеры, я не даю их как советы. Т.е. не воспринимайте в серьёз.
Noisy, boiling city life and at the same time serene, unhurried, breathing eight centuries of history and eternally young Riga.
Shining with showcases of boutiques and charming with the unassuming beauty of the quiet streets of its outskirts.
A shaking night with the music of numerous nightclubs and delighting the ear of a casual passer-by with the delicate play of street musicians.
And all this is so harmoniously and naturally combined in this tiny piece of Europe, in this “little Paris” that it is simply impossible not to admire.
And it is not surprising that those who have been to Riga once, come back here again and again. Over and over again, she appears in a completely new, hitherto unseen perspective and, as if playfully, reveals more and more secrets.
It seems her possibilities in this are simply endless.