I'm afraid of spiders from babies. I'm afraid of them because they can bite and look not good.
Once I was asked to climb into the basement to get something. And I knew they hung on the potlum. One of them noticed me and jumped on me. From this time I'm afraid of them.
A - указывает, что перед нами один предмет или один человек; показывает, что сущ. в единственном числе. Артикль подчеркивает, что речь идет о чем-то ЛЮБОМ, а не о конкретном. The - когда знаем о каком предмете идет речь.
Можно проще: A/an - от слова one, что означает один. The - this, в значении этот.
1. a. The ( в первом примере мы говорим о какой-то чашке, то есть о любой. Во втором о конкретной - указан цвет) 2. a. the. the ( здесь тоже самое, что и в 1, но разница в величине предмета) 3. the (конкретный фильм) 4. a. the ( можно пояснить, как и с 1 примером) 5. можно a и the. Но скорее всего здесь "a" 6. a. the ( дайте мне любой карандаш. Плохой именно этот)
Our studies begin in autumn. My elder brother is a doctor. He often comes home late at night. The students are listening to a new text now. Take the book from the shelf and show it to me. Which of the houses is yours? I think you can get there by bus. What is he afraid of? Don’t turn on the radio. Father is working. I asked the librarian to show some books to me. Some of my friends are coming to see me tonight. What do you usually do at your English lessons? on Saturday I am at home at 3. I live in Pushkin Street not far from the Institute of Foreign Languages. I’m in a hurry. John is waiting for me at the Institute. Would you like some coffee for breakfast?
I'm afraid of spiders from babies. I'm afraid of them because they can bite and look not good.
Once I was asked to climb into the basement to get something. And I knew they hung on the potlum. One of them noticed me and jumped on me. From this time I'm afraid of them.