1. She scarcely realized what had happened. 2. Oh, Jane! I didn't think you were so unkind. 3. Mary returned to the room. Al was sitting beside the gas fire and taking off his shoes. 4. Her eyes were puffed, and she was obviously crying that afternoon. 5. She realized that he was trying to tell her how lonely he was. 6. His cheek was cut. When she saw it she said: "Oh, you were fighting again". 7. I thought I would sleep well, being tired. 8. She made me promise to say nothing about it till she had a chance of breaking the news to her father gradually. 9. She asked if Mr Clennam told her where he lived. 10. As we were driving, her eyes were staring rigidly out of the car window. 11. Sir Wilfred knew, from the frequency with which she used her handkerchief, that tears were running down her cheeks. 12. Delany was sitting up in bed and eating his dinner when Jack came into the room. His complexion was ruddy. Obviously he was shaved. He had a glass of red wine with his meal. He waved his fork as he saw Jack. 13. He remained in his seat, as though studying his programme, till the three passed out into the foyer. 14. Darkness fell when he finally returned to the hotel. He said nothing to Pat except that he had turned down the job. He couldn't give her any explanation until he completely understood the meaning of what had happened. 15. I had been sitting there for about ten minutes, pretending to read, when someone sat down at my table. 16. She looked up at him from where she was sitting. Her make up things lied in front of her. She was doing her face. 17. While his wife was reading the letter, he crossed to the window. 18. As Hugh and I came down the steps we nearly ran into my father.
Эндрю и Пит на следующей неделе собираются на каникулы в Москву. Это список дел , которые нужно сделать. Используйте список и дополните предложения, используя конструкцию be supposed to.
Эндрю - заказать билеты, купить новые джинсы и 2 футболки, попросить соседа полить цветы, собрать чемодан.
Пит - забронировать отель в Москве, позвонить бабушке, попросить ее присмотреть за собакой, купить шорты и 3 футболки, попросить начальника о недельном отпуске, собрать чемодан.
2. is supposed to book 3. is supposed to phone 4. is supposed to buy 5. is supposed to buy 6. is supposed to ask the neighbour to water 7. is supposed to ask 8. are supposed to pack
1. expénsive
2. tíssue
3. newspáper
4. Japán
8. grandmóther
10. Wédnesday