Summer is my favourite season. Last summer I didn't go anywhere in June and in July, and I stayed almost all the time in the city. I rode my bike, walked in the park in fresh air, played ping-pong with my friends. I also read some books on Literature, History Geography and Biology. I often went to the shopping centre to do the shopping. But in August I went to a teens summer camp. It was really fun. It was situated by a lake and we swam and dived in it when the weather was warm and sunny. I made some new friends there. Together with them we took part in different competitions, festivals. We played sport games, danced, drew, went on a boat trip. In the camp there were discos almost every night. I guess, those were the most exciting days of my rest last summer.
1. - The players in paintball tournaments play individually
2. - In paintball you need a plan to win
3. - Most teenagers play video games to take part in tournaments
4. - Professional gamers need to have quick reflexes
1-2 - пейнтбол - игра по мотивам "королевских битв". Здесь можно играть как и командой, так и по одиночке. Турниры проходят в сольном сражении игроков. Без точного плана твоя вероятность выиграть довольно таки мала.
3 - Таким образом подростки имеют возможность зарабатывать и быстрее стать независимым в финансовом плане от опекунов/родителей
4. - Без подготовки, ваши шансы будут минимальны, поэтому без ловкости и подготовки - ожидать победу даже не стоит :>
Don't talk to the driver!
Don't tell the road!
Don't run into the road!
Объяснение: если оцените