Steven Lindale is a professor in the department of medicine at the University of Lund in Sweden. He trained in 1 medicine and became
interested in the effects of diets on our health. He has investigated a Stone Age
diet, that is, the food people ate thousands of years ago. As a result of his 2
he decided to test 3___ in Sweden to see how ancient diets could affect them.
Fourteen patients in his experiment 4 a Stone Age diet while another
fourteen people followed a Mediterranean diet, which is also 5_ with lots of
fruit and vegetables. All of the patients in the test had high blood sugar 6
the majority of them suffered from diabetes, and they all had problems with their
At the end of three months, the group which followed the Mediterranean
diet had 8_ their blood sugar levels by a small amount, but the other group
had reduced such levels by a very large amount. The patients in both groups
prad lost weight and had become much healthier.
2.Я умываюсь каждый день.
3.Я сплю каждый день.
4.Я кушаю каждый день.
5.Я сижу за компьютером каждый день.
1.Я читаю книгу сейчас.
2.Я пишу стих сейчас.
3.Я розговариваю с Машей сейчас.
4.Я кушаю сейчас.
5.Я иду в школу сейчас.
1. I go for a walk with my dog every day.
2. I wash my face every day.
3. I sleep every day.
4.I I eat every day.
5. I'm sitting at the computer every day.
1. I'm reading a book right now.
2. I write poetry today.
3. I rozgovarivayu Masha today.
4.I I'm eating right now.
5. I'm going to school right now.