Нет, в ответе всё зависит от местоимения:
I, we, they, you - do
He, she, it, - does
Would you like to fly into a space?(b)
Could you read the following sentence, please?(b)
__Life is what happens to you when you'te busy making othet plans.
What on the Earth are you doing here?(a)
__Russians are the hospitable people.(c)
There's a big problem here to figure out.- b. none
She was (b) only girl in the room who could dance well.
The poor must be given a chance to study(a)
The flour used in the castle kitchen was more often of wheat(c)
The room where we sat was small and dark- b. descriptive attribute
Amy's dress was colour of gold(b)
The lion is the king of animals.- c. the generic function
She gets everything she wants as she in only child in the family(a)
People should reduce the consumption of sugar(b)
She has a natural grace that was very attractive(a)
He was proud of Repin hanging in his bedroom(a)
He's the* most talented composer.- c. самый талантливый
His table was always littered with pens, paper, notebooks.(a)
We saw a ship in the distance.- a. the spective function
After a long silence he began his story(c)
Catherine had an intelligent face with light-grey eyes(a)
нет,не обязательно,если даете полный развернутый ответ то нет,а когда when вы не имеете право отвечать через does,а вы должна к глаголу прибавить окончание S например:he plays football on weekends