The most popular names of singers in our group are: Rihanna, Adam Lambert and Beyonce. The most popular names of musical groups in our group are: Linkin' Park, the JLS. Generally people in our group listen to the music of these singers. We think, that they are the greatest. It is quite common in our group to choose modern kind of music, because we're living in such world, where it's modem and cool. Most of people in our group say that they feel happy themselves, when they're listening to these singers. But some of us feel sad, because there are some moments from their lives that are connected with such music. It's typical of teenagers to think that life without music will be boring. It's all because of our world of art, music, kinoes and so on. We think, that we shouldn't make the sense of our life of music. It must be only part of our life, but not the whole life.
Pablo Picasso was one of the most famous painter. Picasso worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor,ceramist, etc.
C. S. Lewis was a British Skilful writer. He has great imagination. Each Eager reader with interest read new children's books about science fiction, among them the most famous are :The Chronicles of Narnia, The Space Trilogy.
Пабло Пикассо был одним из самых известных художников. Пикассо много работал как график, скульптор, керамист и др.
К. С. Льюис был британским искусным писателем. У него отличное воображение. Каждый нетерпеливый читатель с интересом читал новые детские книги о научной фантастике, среди которых самые известные: Хроники Нарнии, Космическая трилогия.