1) I the window? It's cold in here. (close) 2) you your address, please?(repeat) 3) It says "No parking ".We here. (stop) 4) Andy doesn't want to go to the beach because he .(swim) 5) I your phone? I want to call my dad.(use)
I really like holidays, who doesn't like them? It's time when you can do what you want and when you want. Some people stay at home and sleep all days, another like to walk with friends and sit in "subway" and they don't want to do something really helpful. And what about me When the weather is good on holidays me and my parents go to a forest. I like forest. There I pick up mushrooms and berries. There is too much blueberry and strawberry. But if the holidays are long our family travels by car. It's comfortable and we can visit all cities we want. For example we are going to Saint Petersburg to see hermitage and Russian museum with beautiful bridges. On our way we can visit Yaroslavl or vologda. I think it's nice cities. We can stop when we want and walk in different places for a long time. And this way of traveling isn't so expensive. It's cool. И еще чем нибудь закончи. Если есть вопросы-обращайся
Thirty years ago I was still unmarried and was living with my mother. One morning in April while I was reading a newspaper I came across some information about a remarkable find of Roman silver. It had been discovered three years before by a farmer from Mildenhall, in Siffolk, but the discovery for some reason had been kept secret until then. The newspaper article said the treasure has been sent to the British Museum. The name of the farmer was given as Gordon Butcher. The moment I read the story I sprang up from my chair and rushed out to my car.
Тридцать лет назад я был еще не женат и жил с мамой. Однажды утром в апреле, когда я читал газету, я наткнулся на информацию о замечательной находке римского серебра. Это было обнаружено три года ранее фермером из Милденхолла, в графстве Саффолк, но открытие почему-то держали в тайне до сего времени. Газетная статья сообщала что клад был отправлен в Британский музей. Имя фермера было Гордон Мясник. В тот момент как я прочитал историю, я вскочил с кресла и бросился к машине.
1) Can I close the window? It's cold in here.
2) Can you repeat your address, please?
3) It says "No parking ".We can't stop here.
4) Andy doesn't want to go to the beach because he can't swim.
5) Can I use your phone? I want to call my dad.
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