Закончите предложения, используя правильную форму инфинитива:
1. She has grown taller. She seems to have grown taller.
2. He is getting used to his new job. He appears to be getting used to his new job.
3. Kate makes friends easily. She tends to make friends easily.
4. He has finished the report. He claims to have finished the report.
5. It is raining over there. It seems to be raining over there.
6. He is on a diet. He appears to be on a diet.
7. They have sailed round the world. They claim to have sailed round the world.
8. He is feeling better. He seems to be feeling better.
1. She has grown taller. She seems to have grown taller.
2. He is getting used to his new job. He appears to be getting used to his new job.
3. Kate makes friends easily. She tends to make friends easily.
4. He has finished the report. He claims to have finished the report.
5. It is raining over there. It seems to be raining over there.
6. He is on a diet. He appears to be on a diet.
7. They have sailed round the world. They claim to have sailed round the world.
8. She is feeling better. He seems to be feeling better.
1. Вареная - а) для приготовления пищи на пару
2. Замешанная - б) консервированная в уксусе или соленой воде.
3. Маринованные - в) приготовленные на раскаленном масле
4. Пашот - г) для приготовления в кипящей воде.
5. Жаркое - д) смешать белую и желтую части яйца и приготовить i.
6. Жареный - е) что-нибудь раздавить, особенно еду.
7. Пюре - ж) для приготовления мяса или овощей в духовке или на огне.
8. Варка на пару - з) для приготовления яйца без скорлупы в воде, которая медленно кипит.