Test 1
Ears / eyelashes / fair / fat / features / make-up / age / plain / plump / skin / slender / straight.
Уши, ресницы, светлый толстый, черты лица, макияж, возраст, некрасивый, пухлый , кожа, стройный, прямой
She was a woman of thirty-seven, looking her (1) rather tall, and (2), without being (3); she liked to tell everybody how (4)she was at age of seventeen. She was not pretty. Though she had irregular (5), her face was pleasing, chiefly, perhaps, on account of her kind blue eyes with long curving (6)and (7) penciled eyebrows. Her (8)was rather yellowish and her nose was large. Her (9) hair was elaborately dressed. She was the only woman of the three whose face was free of (10) , and by contrast with the others she seemed quite (11) and unaffected.
Test 2
Abundant / clean-shaven / complexion / decisive / dye / gait / gloomy / height / late / moustache / person / structure / thumb-nail / upper
обильный, чистовыбритый, комплекция, решительный, краска, походка , мрачный , рост, поздний, усы, человек, структура, ноготь большого пальца, вверх
The Evening Messenger decided to offer $ 500 reward to any (1)___ who will give information leading to the arrest of the man, William Strickland, who is wanted by the police in connection with the murder of the (2) Emma Strickland.
Description of the Wanted Man
The following is the official description of William Strickland:
Age 43; (3) 6 foot 1 or 2 inches; (4) rather dark; hair silver and (5) , may (6) it; full grey (7) and beard, may now be (8)___; eyes light-grey; left (9) ___ eye-tooth stopped with gold; left (10) deformed by recent blow.
Speaks in rather a loud voice; quick, (11) manner, (12) expression of the face; awkward (13) ( was a sailor).
When I have my spare time I go to the sport club, go for a walk and, of course, sleep. To tell you the truth, all members of my family prefer different kinds of activities, for example, my mom prefers cooking, my grandfather likes sitting with my sister. So, I prefer listening to music, and, as you know, going to parties!
Wow! Your birthday! It’s cool! Who was invited to your party? What presents did you get? And what about the best present?
Sorry, but I must go now. Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,