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Hairdresser: Good afternoon, what can we do ?
Customer: I would like to trim my hair, and the split ends.
Hairdresser: do you want cut off?
Customer: 3 or 4 centimetres, no more.
Hairdresser: Do you want to give it some?
Customer: Yes, I think so. Could you ___it a bit of volume?
Hairdresser: Yes, of course. You are ready. Look in the mirror.
Customer I like it very much. How much do I have you?
Hairdresser: 15 dollars.
Customer Good bye!
to pay, for you, cut off, how much, shape, give
My btothers is a pioneer.He is a good school. As a rule, he does n't get bad marks.He always participates in festival, helps in out -of- class school affairs. I often helped him with the collection of waste paper. I also want to become a pioneer like him.
Мой брат пионер. Он хорош в школе.Как правило, у него нет плохих оценок.Он всегда учавствует в фестивалях во внеклассных делах.Я частенько ему со сбором макулатуры.Я хочу стать пионером как он.