1. Peter has opened the window.
Has Peter opened the window?
What has Peter done?
Who has opened the window?
2. We have read a very good book.
Have we read a very good book?
What have we read?
Who has read a very good book?
3. Mary has lost her dog.
Has Mary lost her dog?
Where has Mary lost her dog?
Who has lost her dog?
4. My friends have gone to school.
Have my friends gone to school?
Where have my friends gone?
Who has gone to school?
5. They've seen an interesting film.
Have they seen an interesting film?
What have they seen?
Who has seen an interestin gfilm?
6. Misha's been to London.
Has Misha been to London?
Where has Misha been to?
Who has been to London?
7. You've bought the book.
Have you bought the book?
What have you bought?
Who has bought the book?
8. We've finished our work.
Have we finished our work?
What have you finished?
Who has finished his work?
Том получил хорошие оценки на большинстве экзаменов, и у него был успешный год. Он всегда лучше всего успевает по французскому и немецкому, но в этом году он действительно улучшил свои результаты по естественным наукам, в частности, он получил более высокие оценки по физике. Ему еще нужно хорошо поработать над английским языком и политикой. Ему следует больше заниматься перед экзаменами.
У Тома очень хорошее отношение к учебе. Он другому ученику, который списывал. Ученица хотела списать у Тома домашнее задание по французскому языку. Том отказался дать ей свое домашнее задание, но он провел с девочкой два вечера и ей лучше понять предмет.
Том - очень популярный ученик. Хотя он довольно сдержан и часто молчит в классе, в этом году у него появилось много друзей. Он также был очень добр к другим ученикам. Старший мальчик издевался над другом Тома, и Том вступил в противоборство с обидчиком и рассказал об этом учителю. Теперь издевательства прекратились, и школа написала вежливое письмо родителям обидчика.
Том получил плохие отметки в этом году. Ложь. Том получил хорошие оценки на большинстве экзаменов и провел успешный год.
1)Самые сильные предметы Тома - естественные науки. 2)В этом году Том лучше справляется с физикой. 3)Том хорошо успевает по всем предметам. 4)Девочка хотела, чтобы Том ей списать по французскому языку. 5)В году старший мальчик издевался над Томом.
1) False, т.к он улучшил свои знания по естественным наукам, а не силен в них
2) True, как сказано выше он хорошо сдал экзамен по физике
3) True
4) False, он ей не дал списать
5) False, издевались над его другом
1) Not true, as he has improved his knowledge of science rather than being strong in it
2) True, he did well in the physics exam
3) True, he is a popular student at school.
4) Not true, he didn't let her cheat, but helped her improve her French
5) Not true, it was his friend who was bullied, not Tom himself
History of the discovery of Arkaim Arkaim (settlement) of the Bronze Age in the steppe zone in the south of the Chelyabinsk region. It was found by scientists in June 1987 during an archaeological survey of the territory, which was supposed to go under water as a result of the construction of Bolshekaragan, this fortified settlement of the reservoir. Archaeologists succeeded in delaying the flooding of the territory by two years. They were actively supported by the Director of the Hermitage, Academician B. B. Piotrovsk. Later, plans to build a reservoir were abandoned altogether. Arkaim managed to defend.
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1. Who has opened the window?
has peter opened the window?
what has Peter opened?
2.Who has read a very good book?
Have they read a very good book?
What have they read?
3. Who has lost her dog?
Has Mary lost her dog?
What has Mary lost?
4. Who has gone to school?
Have my friends gone to school?
Where have my friends gone?
5. Who has seen an interesting film?
Have they seen an interesting film?
What have they seen?
6. Who has been to London?
Has Misha been to london?
Where has Misha been?
7. Who has bought a book?
Have they bought a book?
What have they bought?
8. Who has finished the work?
Have they finished their work?
What have they finished?