My grandparents have a farm. It isn't very big.
There are about thirty cows, fifty sheep, a few pigs and a lot of hens.
My grandfather has got two horses, but he seldom makes them work. He has got a tractor.
There is always a lot of work to do on the farm. My grandpa's best helper is his son, my uncle Timur.
I sometimes come to my grandparents' farm and help them too.
У моих бабушки и дедушки есть ферма. Она не очень большая.
Здесь около тридцати коров, пятьдесят овец, несколько свиней и много кур.
У моего дедушки две лошади, но он редко заставляет их работать. У него есть трактор.
На ферме всегда много работы. Лучший моего дедушки - его сын, мой дядя Тимур.
Иногда я приезжаю на ферму бабушки и дедушки и тоже им.
Every year, in the summer, I go to the village to see my grandparents. I spend the whole summer there. I feel happy here. I have a lot of friends here. And most of all I love to spend time with my horse. Her name is Sparta. My grandmother has many animals, for example, a cow named Zorka, every evening with my grandmother we go to her for the freshly cut grass. There are two little pigs, chickens and geese. And then there are a lot of rabbits.
Every morning I wake up, take Sparta and go to the river. There I meet with my friends and have fun before lunch. Then I take care of my five-year-old horse, clean, feed, and lead to the stable. Yes, and in general the village is very good. There is fresh air, very beautiful and fun. Nature untouched by man.
I have many friends: Vadim, Alina, and Dasha. They live in the village. And they are different from city children. They are kind and helpful. Always ready to help and cheer up.
This year, grandfather's dog named Trumpeter brought a little fox. And my friends and I fed him milk from a baby bottle. And by the end of the summer, he grew up, but he was already used to us and did not want to leave. Therefore, he stayed with my grandmother. Grandfather made a booth for him, and now we have a pet chanterelle, but the truth is, we don't know what to call it yet. And, as it turned out, it's a girl.
Of course, I not only had a rest but also helped my grandparents with the housework. He watered the garden, fed the chickens and geese. Cleaned rabbit cages and filled bowls with fresh water twice a day. And my friends helped me in these matters. I also help them with the housework. It is how I spend my summer with my grandmother.
So the summer is coming to the end. And I do not want to return to the city where there are many cars. But I need to go to school. All year long, I will look forward to summer. Memories will always pop up in bright colors. And I know that next summer will be even more interesting and fun.
1) hadn't been
2) have been
3) hadn't vanished
4) have explained