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I. Read the text and decide which of the facts bellow are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED World Language
Many people say that English is a global language. Why do they think so? English is not an easy language to learn, even as a mother tongue. Why has it become a global language?
People have always thought that they need a global language if they want to speak and understand each other. They even tried to develop special simple languages. One of them is Esperanto, a simple language, with just 16 rules, no definite articles and easy spelling. But Esperanto didn’t become a world language.
Global, or world, language is a language that people speak and learn in a lot of countries. It’s the mother tongue for many people, many countries teach them at schools. Diplomats, scientists and businessmen often use it. You can hear it at international meetings and at airports.
English has more speakers than any other languages in the world. But some other languages are also very popular. For example, French is the traditional language of diplomats, German is the language of science. But English is really a global language. It is the most important language of the Internet: about 80 per cent of all information there is in English. Many languages borrow words from the English language.
What makes English a global language? History shows that a language becomes global because of the political and economic power of its speakers. Other facts are important too. English has a very large vocabulary. Besides, it is easy to make new English words (speech – speechless, feel – feeling, sound – to sound). Its grammar is simpler than in some other languages. English poets and writers made the English language world famous.
So English is really a global language. But there is one very important question. If so many people want to use English as the global language, what will happen to other languages? Will they die?

1. It is easy to learn Esperanto.
2. Esperanto became a world language.
3. A global language is a simple language that people develop for communication.
4. Scientists quite often use the German language.
5. The English language has become global because it has a very large vocabulary.
6. In many languages of the world people use English words.
7. French is the mother tongue of millions of people.
8. There are very many words in the English language.

III. Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. The English language has borrowed a lot of words (of/from) Latin.
2. The pupil was not sure (of/from) the word spelling.
3. Could you hand (in/out) these gifts to the children after dinner?
4. Mrs Thompson looked through my notes and handed them (back/out) to me.
5. They have never been (in/to) Japan.
6. Our physics teacher gave us test papers and asked us to hand them (in/out) on Wednesday.
7. Rose prefers travelling by train (to/for) travelling by plane.
8. "Rebecca, Mr Brian needs a Russian-English dictionary. Can you hand it (out/over)?"
9. What has happened (to/with) him in Africa?
10. The details of the future project are not clear. Would you like to talk them (in/over) now?

IV. Complete the sentences. Use Present Perfect.

1. Betty (begin) learning German.
2. He ever (be) to Greece?
3. Jack never (speak) to Americans.
4. Joanne Rowling (write) the books about Harry Potter.
5. Boris (come) back?
6. Lizzy (not ring) her granny yet.
7. I just (do) my homework.
8. Mike and Kate (not eat) their porridge yet.
9. You (see) this film?
10. The girls already (take) their dog for a walk.

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I like to have a little rest after school. I think,it is good for my health and body. The first My favorite rest time is that,when i go to the gum. I enjoy being in well phorm. And the second favorite rest time ia that,when i surf the internet. I love to chat with my friends,and social network sites allow us to do this. I can be in touch with my friends and family everywhere! And,in my rest time,i like to eat something delicious,like a:cupkakes,cookies and sweets. It makes me funny. Thank you for your attencion.
4,4(73 оценок)
I watched the film a Jurassic Park not long ago. This film fantasy. Director of this film Stephen Spielberg. The main characters of this film it is the rich scientist of Johm Hammond, lex, Tim and Alan Grant. The last dinosaur died 65 million years ago, but in 1993 a rich scientist, Jon Hammond, had an idea. He took the blood from frozen prehistoric mosquitoes, and made new dinosaurs with it.
His idea worked and he put the dinosaurs in a zoo on a tropical Hawaiian islend – but then thinds went wrong. One of Johne Hammond’s scientists – Dennis Nedry – wanted to sell some dinosaur eggs to a friend. Nedry turned off the zoo security system and left the zoo. But the dinosaurse came too. Lex and Tim Hammond were the grandchildren of scientist John Hammond. They went to visit their gramdfather on his tropical Hawaiian island. In his zoo they saw some dinosaurs. Then their problems started. One of the dinosaurs – a Tyrannosaurus Rex – escaped from its cage and chased them. They met a dinosaurs scientist, Alan Grand, and they all ran through the forest. Alan, Lex, Tim saw a lot of different dinosaurs in the forest. Some were very dangerous and killed one of the zoo.
The film produced by Stephen Spielberg, fully meets all expectations of the audience. Dinosaurs eat people and each other, people, in turn, try to escape – and all this is decorated with impressive audiovisual effects for the sake of which people will go to well equipped halls. Special effects are put into the forefront here, the perspective is pushed on the last, original film is sufficiently mentioned. The audience who wanted to derive once again pleasure from a meeting with dinosaurs, received it.
I think that it is possible to call this film a masterpiece of a fantastic genre of cinema. I think that it is one of the best movies about dinosaurs.
Я не давно посмотрел фильм парк юрского периода. Этот фильм фантастика. Режиссер этого фильма Стивен Спилберг. Главные герои этого фильма это богатый ученый Johm Hammond, lex Tim, Alan Grant . Последний динозавр умер 65 миллионов лет назад, а в 1993 году у богатого ученого, Джона Хаммонда, появилась идея. Он взял кровь из замороженных доисторических комаров, и сделал новых динозавров с нее.
Его идея сработала и он поставил динозавры в зоопарке, на тропическом Гавайском острове – но потом все пошло наперекосяк. Один из ученых Джона Хаммонда – Деннис Недри – хотел продать несколько яиц динозавра другу. Недри отключил систему безопасности зоопарка и покинул зоопарк. Но динозавры тоже были там. Лекс и Тим Хаммонд - внуки ученого Джона Хэммонда. Они пришли навестить своего дедушку на его тропическом Гавайском острове. В его зоопарке они видели, как несколько динозавров. Тогда и начались проблемы. Один из динозавров – Тираннозавр Рекс – сбежал из клетки и погнался за ними. Они встретили ученого динозавров, Алана Гранда, и они все побежали через лес. Алан, Лекс, Тим видел много разных динозавров в лесу. Некоторые из них были очень опасными и был убит  один из людей в зоопарке. Спродюссированный Стивеном Спилбергом фильм, в полной мере оправдывает все ожидания зрителей. Динозавры едят людей и друг друга, люди, в свою очередь, пытаются и всё это украшено впечатляющими аудиовизуальными эффектами, ради которых люди пойдут в хорошо оснащенные залы. Спецэффекты здесь поставлены на первый план, проблематика задвинута на последний, оригинальный фильм в достаточной степени упомянут. Зрители, которые хотели получить ещё раз удовольствие от встречи с динозаврами, его получили.
Я считаю, что этот фильм можно назвать шедевром фантастического жанра кино. Я думаю, что это один из лучших фильмов про динозавров.
4,4(59 оценок)
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