The right to education — one of human rights of «the second generation» (social and economic and cultural; the aspect of non-discrimination can be considered also as civil law of the first generation). The United Nations committee on the economic, social and cultural rights allocates four main characteristics of the right to education: existence, availability (non-discrimination, physical and economic availability), an acceptability and an education adaptability, and also specifies that «the right to education can be carried out only at existence at teachers and pupils of the academic freedom». [1]] The volume of the right to education can be various for different steps of education — so, the International pact about the economic, social and cultural rights provides obligation and a besplatnost of primary education, but only gradual introduction of free higher education. Freedom of education can separately be allocated
1.He loves it when the rain comes 2.Им like to, when it is snowing 3.Нам like it when our teacher showed pictures. 4.Мне don't like it when it rains. 5.Вам like it when it snows? 6.Вам like it when they laugh?