На выбор: На выбор: На выбор: На выбор: Дорогой Кристофер! тебе за письмо и за то, что ты с такой теплотой думаешь обо мне. Как бы мне хотелось еще раз съездить с тобой куда-нибудь осенью или побродить при луне. В последнее время похолодало, и в воздухе пахнет зимой. У вас уже выпал снег? Говорят, что на севере уже начался лыжный сезон. С любовью (свое имя)
Dear Christopher, Thank you for your letter and for your kind thoughts about me. How I should like to make another trip with you in the autumn season or take walks with you under the moon. It has been getting colder lately and there are indications of winter in the air. Have you had any snow yet? They say that skiing has already commenced in the North. Lots of love, (your name)
Дорогой Эдвард! В следующем месяце я на пару дней собираюсь в Лондон и подумал, что мы можем встретиться. Мы не виделись целую вечность, и меня очень беспокоит, как твои дела. Я предлагаю увидеться в понедельник, 5 апреля. Давай встретимся у входа в мою гостиницу «Армор Инн» в 12.30. сообщи, устраивает ли тебя такой вариант. Твой (твое имя)
Dear Edward, I shall be in London for a couple of days next month, and I was wondering if we could meet together. It has been such a long time since we met and I am very anxious to hear how things are with you. What about Monday, April 5? If this would suit you I suggest we meet at the entrance to my hotel, which is "Armour Inn", at 12.30. Please let me know if this is convenient for you. Yours, (your name)
1. We ( made) a tour of France last year. It (was) a coaching tour. We (did not stay) in any city for more than one day. 2. Where are your customers spending their holidays? - They (are) in the Caucasus. They (have gone) to a spa there. 3. When and where did the UN conference on international travel and tourism ( take) place? - It (took) place in 1963 in the capital of ltaly. 4. A month ago our company ( put) a new tour together. We (did not advertise) it in mass media. We (have included) it in our new travellogue. 5. They ( set) up a new tourist company and (did) market research last year. 6. What kind of inclusive tours did your travel agency ( offer) to customers last summer season? - We ( offered) inclusive tours with charter to Turkey. 7. Did you ( cooperate) with major tour operators a couple of years ago? - No, we didn't. 8. A week ago I (was) away on business. I ( visited) our sales outlets in St. Petersburg. There I ( got) familiar with their tourist attractions. Unfortunately, I did (not see) their museums in the suburbs because we (were) too busy. 9. The first steamships (did not cover) long distances. They ( moved) on inland waterways. 10. Did your tourism manager ( travel) anywhere last year? - He (did not take) his paid holidays last year. He ( had) a lot of work to do.
Mark: I'm like. Let's go the that in the sports centre.
Sam:Why Sophie like all sports?
Mark: What are you doing?
Nick:Can you be thirsty? We don't want any café.
Mark: What is does man in the three?
And what are does men doing over there?
Только я не уверена в 1 предложении, там где "Mark". А всё остальное правильно должно быть.