There were two men in the room. One of them was writing something while the other was reading a paper. I was sitting in an armchair when the door suddenly opened and a stranger came. She came to see us just at the time we were having dinner. I saw him just as he left the hotel. I found an old man in the garden. He was speaking to children. 6) I fed my cat with fish yesterday. What you were doing at 5 yesterday? My brother was playing computer games from 5 till 7 yesterday. He didn`t go to the shop last Sunday. I saw Ben when he was crossing the street.
My name _is_ Dima. I _have got__ many friends. But my _best_ friend is Kirill. We _are_ good friends. We _spend_ time together and _play_ toys. When I am sad, Kirill _cheers me up_. Last summer our families _went_ to the sea together. It was _great_. We swam and played and _bought_ fruit and ice cream. Kirill will have a birthday _soon. He invited his friends to his birthday_party. I will give _him_ a new computer game. Мое имя Дима. У меня__ много друзей. Но мой лучший друг-Кирилл. Мы _ хорошие друзья. Мы _проводим_ время вместе и _играем_в игрушки. Когда мне грустно, Кирилл меня подбадривает летом наши семьи были вместе на море. Это было _здорово_. Мы плавали и играли и _покупали_ фрукты и мороженое. У Кирилла будет день рождения скоро. Он пригласил своих друзей к себе на день рождения. Я подарю _ему_ новую компьютерную игру.
-hello Nikita
-hi Bohdan! how did you spend your day?
-I woke up at 9 o'clock, did my home work, helped mom cook tasty dinner, and after that I went to play football. what about you?
-I woke up at 8 o'clock, went with my parents to the shop, and played computer games.
-what did you buy?
-I bought new t-shirt.
-oh, I also want to buy something new. Do you want to go with me one day to the shop?
-ok, I will wait for your call.
-Thank you. bye
-See you later, bye!