Relaxed student Try to concentrate and manage your time: you can easily do everything but decide on your priority and stop finding more interesting things to do. To cope with the problem try to follow these tips:
Вопросы к тексту: 1 What should a relaxed student do to cope with his problem? 2 What kind of student tends to exaggerate his weaknesses? 3 One of main problems of a tense student is lack of self-confidence, isn't it? 4 Does a tense student have many self-doubts? 5 How can a tense student make his self-talk constructive? 6 What are the tips for making someone's self-talk constructive? 7 Does a perfectionist student sometimes experience a real trouble with managing his time? 8 Why is a perfectionist student inclined to do a lot of unnecessary work? 9 Why does a perfectionist student often feel stressed out? 10 What are the tips for a perfectionist student?
Volleyball is my favorite play. it is play in command, in which take part 2 players. Important qualities for players are jumping, reaction, coordination, physical strength. the history of volleyball. the creator of volleyball is Yilliam Morgan in 1895. the most famous players are Andrey Kuznetsov, Roman Yakovlev. how i became interested by volleyball. I was interested in volleyball in 2010. I was 11 years old, when I first come to the gym. I was delighted. I liked the game, and I desided to continue to visit the section. at the moment it is my hobby. I continue to play in volleyball. our team take part in competition edge. we took the 2nd place in the competition in the city of Barnaul.
Relaxed student
Try to concentrate and manage your time: you can easily do everything but decide on your priority and stop finding more interesting things to do. To cope with the problem try to follow these tips:
Вопросы к тексту:
1 What should a relaxed student do to cope with his problem?
2 What kind of student tends to exaggerate his weaknesses?
3 One of main problems of a tense student is lack of self-confidence, isn't it?
4 Does a tense student have many self-doubts?
5 How can a tense student make his self-talk constructive?
6 What are the tips for making someone's self-talk constructive?
7 Does a perfectionist student sometimes experience a real trouble with managing his time?
8 Why is a perfectionist student inclined to do a lot of unnecessary work?
9 Why does a perfectionist student often feel stressed out?
10 What are the tips for a perfectionist student?