1. Boris trains three times a week.
- Did Boris train three times a week?
- Had Boris Trained 3 times a week?
- Why did Boris train 3 times in a week?
- Didn’t Boris tell you that he trains 3 times a week?
- Is Boris training exactly 3 times a week?
2. This leading athlete wants to become a referee.
- Why does This leading athlete wants to become a referee?
- why should This leading athlete wants to become a referee?
- For what purpose This leading athlete wants to become a referee?
- have you not known that This leading athlete wants to become a referee?
- when does This leading athlete wants to become a referee?
3. A friend of mine often judges the final matches in the world football championships.
- Why does A friend of yours often judges the final matches in the world football championships?
- When a friend of yours had started judging the final matches in the world football championships?
- don’t tell me that A friend of yours often judges the final matches in the world football championships?
- why would A friend of yours often judges the final matches in the world football championships?
- what is the chance that A friend of yours often judges the final matches in the world football championships?
4. Ann specializes in tennis.
- does your friend Ann specializes in tennis?
- how often Ann specializes in tennis?
- did you know that Ann specializes in tennis?
- why would Ann specializes in tennis?
- till what time Ann specializes in tennis?
5. One of our students is awarded the title of Merited Master of Sports.
- who is the One of our students that is awarded the title of Merited Master of Sports?
- you did not know that One of our students is awarded the title of Merited Master of Sports had you?
- why One of our students is awarded the title of Merited Master of Sports?
- when had One of our students got awarded the title of Merited Master of Sports?
- why would One of our students get awarded the title of Merited Master of Sports?
Какие виды конфликтов вы знаете? Я знаю, различные виды конфликтов: личные, политические и глобальные. Какие конфликты наиболее интересные? Я думаю, личные конфликты, эти конфликты произходят между разными людьми: между одноклассниками, друзьями и т.д. Вы можете добавить, такие как: между сослуживцами, коллегами, между студентами и преподавателями...И, конечно, между членами семьи, как правило. У меня иногда бывают конфликты, но не очень часто. Мы должны быть более терпимыми друг к другу. Многие подростки не могут опираясь на опыт своих родителей, потому что они мечтают о том, чтобы быть независимыми и иметь достаточно карманных денег. Но когда мне нужны деньги, я предпочитаю брать у моих родителей, потому что у меня нет времени и возможности, чтобы заработать деньги. Я должен хорошо учиться, чтобы поступить в институт. - Это моя работа сейчас. Я думаю, что наиболее распространенная причина конфликтов -непонимание. По моему мнению, чтобы избежать любого конфликта, мы должны быть более терпимыми друг к другу.