10 Tag-questions Первая часть положительная вторая отрицательная.
1) I am, aren't I?
2) They are from New-York, aren't they?
3) We are friends, aren't we?
4) She is your friend, isn't she?
5) Cats like fish, don't they?
6) Dolphins are clever, aren't they?
7) We go to school every day, don't we?
8) Spider-Man is a superhero, isn't he?
9) It is raining, isn't it?
10) You like coffee, don't you?
10 Tag-questions Первая часть отрицательная вторая положительная.
1) She isn't old, is she?
2) We don't speak Chinese, do we?
3) You haven't been to England, have you?
4) They don't watch TV, do they?
5) You can't swim, can you?
6) The pupils didn't read the book, did they?
7) He never drinks coffee, does he?
8) We didn't go to the cinema yesterday, did we?
9) You haven't seen this film before, have you?
10) The sun isn't shining today, is it?
10 предложений Tag-questions со словами to be, is, am, are, was ,were, to have, has, had, will/shell,can/could, would/must.
1) I am smart, aren't I?
2) They are from Britain, aren't they?
3) She was at school yesterday, wasn't she?
4) They were best friends, weren't they?
5) You haven't seen this movie, have you?
6) We have never been to Spain, haven't we?
7) Не has written a lot of books, hasn't he?
8) We will go there tomorrow, won't we?
9) They can't read, can they?
10) I must go now, mustn't I?
10 предложений Tag-questions со словами do/does или did.
1) He didn't come, did he?
2) She didn't see us, did she?
3) We always do our homework, don't we?
4) They went to school, didn't they?
5) We don't play tennis, do we?
6) They don't like dogs, do they?
7) He doesn't like reading, does he?
8) She never writes letters, does she?
9) We often went shopping together, didn't we?
10) He doesn't like tennis, does he?
Conflicts with parents increase with infantile behavior teenager, his emphatic contempt for them, quarrels with his brothers and sisters and complex relationship with the family, different types of personalities and teen of a parent. But even in case of conflict, most teenagers still characterize family relationships as warm, flexible, connected with the experience of positive emotions. General idea of a serious conflict between adolescents and their parents, it seems, are greatly exaggerated.