Hello, my name is [Вставить свое имя на английском], I'm [ Вставить свой возраст на английском ] and I have a lot of friends! My friend [ Вставить любое имя друга] is work very much, [ Если мальчик - he, если девочка - she ] is very hardworking person . I have a shy friend [ имя друга или подругу ], [he или she] is don't really like to be in a company more than 3 people and [he или she] is don't really like to hanging out with us. The most honest of our company is [ Вставить имя друга или подруги], [he или she ] is never tells a lie. The funniest person in our company is [ имя друга или подруги ], [ he или she] is very nosy and [he или she ] is my best friend. We like hanging out together and we are good friends!
Сочинением получилось
ответ: On this picture two friends are laughing. Most likely the boy is joking. They are on the street, which further betrays the picture of a bright mood. A girl is sitting on a stone fence, and the boy is leaning against a wooden one. Most likely this happens in the summer, because under their feet there is green grass, and behind the forest.
1. This picture shows the friendship between two teens.
2. They are joking and talking.
3. Guys wear summer light clothes.
4. They are comfortable and pleasant to communicate with each other.
Вроде все правильно
El Colacho
A very strange ceremony, turned into a whole festival, is held in the small town of Castrillo de Murcia. Essentially, it's jumping over babies. It sounds intimidating, but the locals believe that it helps protect children from the evil eye and even cleanses them from original sin. For almost 400 years, every year on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, a specially trained person in a yellow-red devil costume has jumped over babies born since the previous rite. It is believed that after such a leap, evil will follow the devil, and the souls of babies are purified.
ну как то так:))
1.I am very want my dream to come true sooner, so I'm hard-working on it.
2.My lovely friend very honest.
3. My neighbor very nosy.
4.The girl from my company is shy.
5. My best friend is very generous.
6.My classmate is very clever.